Opinions FUNIBER

“Thanks to FUNIBER, my formation life is easier: I can better plan my time, by trying to complete a subject every month; the system also allows me to progress faster, if I invest more time, I can complete more than a subject per month. I am also saving the transportations costs. I can help my 12 year son with his homework and lap-holding my 4 year daughter while studying the chapters.”

“FUNIBER offered me several advantages compared to other traditional education systems: the possibility to study online, to work and freely choose the time to study, new study programs and an excellent communication with other students, as well as with teachers and the management departments”.

“The acquired knowledge during the FUNIBER master were primary important for my discoveries, since the research and studies gave me knowledges which helped me to learn more about the history of the planet and human being in that context.”

“In addition to widen your knowledge, you have the opportunity to know experiences from other countries in the context of environmental management and audit. Contents are the expected for a Master, subjects are clear and treated in a very interesting and useful way.”