Opinions FUNIBER

"The most outstanding points of this Master’s degree is the program organization: by modules, very accessible language, very deep in structural topics and enjoyable in its development. In addition, we are able to keep learning about the topics that we like most or those we had doubts. On the other hand, the study program is up-to-date and tries to include current topics, in order to follow new tendencies, which are in constant change in the technology field."

"What I liked the most in this Master’s degree is its comprehensive nature, since it allows to specialize in the area of international audits, but it also gives us a comprehensive training in asset and people management, quality audits, finances and international countability."

"I liked that the program is prepared to be taught online.” The used material is very clear and complete, the tasks submission dates are very clear and the offered calendars helps the student to organize the tasks, since studying an online master’s degree requires a lot of dedication. In addition, the forums allow to meet other students virtually, with whom we must do works."

"This Master’s degree has complemented my technical formation with knowledge, abilities and competences that are required in order to manage in an optimal way in each one of the areas of the projects I work in."