Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations

Program Presentation

Healthcare systems are currently undergoing changes and reforms aimed at improving the quality of the services provided, always with a focus on administrative decentralization and the longed-for equity in public healthcare systems. Healthcare systems have gradually evolved into increasingly complex structures requiring capable agents to efficiently manage the organizations that comprise them. As an additional component, healthcare professionals do not have the necessary university training in business management, which makes their task even more difficult. The Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations provides professionals with the necessary tools to contribute effectively toward the design and construction of future healthcare organizations. This program enables the student to make the right decisions when designing, evaluating, and planning the necessary processes, using administrative and managerial tools in the fulfillment of institutional objectives.


This Master enables professionals to face real problems in an effective manner, contributing to development at both the institutional and national levels. It also seeks to provide a new approach in line with changes in the market and user behavior in an effort to improve the quality of services in healthcare facilities.

Who is the programme for?

The Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations is designed for professionals in the sector who seek to develop in administrative, management, and leadership areas of any healthcare facility, whether public or private, acquiring and enhancing the necessary knowledge to deliver a quality service to users.


Successful completion of the program will lead to a Master's Degree in Strategic Management of Health Organizations.

Upon successful completion of the Program, the student will receive the degree issued by the university where they have enrolled.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

Mandatory Subjects 80
Master's Final Project 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations has 90 credits.

The duration of the Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations varies between 12 and 24 months, depending on the student's dedication. In this period of time, the student must have successfully passed all the evaluated activities and approved the Final Project.


General objective

The objective of the Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations is to train high-level professionals by providing them with the necessary tools to be able to face real problems in an effective manner, contributing to development at both the institutional and national levels.

Specific objectives

The educational objectives of the Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations are:

  • Apply and integrate specialized knowledge through critical and logical thinking for the management of healthcare centers. 
  • Creative and innovative problem solving in the field of healthcare management.
  • Plan and direct processes that tend to improve the existing ones and the creation of innovative changes within the management of healthcare services. 
  • Develop communication and negotiation skills, valuing and promoting teamwork and interdisciplinary work. 
  • Elaborate and execute strategic plans by applying judgments, as a result of the analysis of reality, that allow evaluating and guaranteeing the expected results in the healthcare field.
  • Perform leadership functions in different scenarios and situations related to healthcare management.
  • Implement innovative strategies that seek to improve the quality of user care in healthcare centers.

Career Opportunities

The Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations enables the student to assume positions with management functions in hospitals, primary care centers, public or private social and healthcare centers, and NGOs. As well as to assume management positions in different departments within these entities. Furthermore, they can work as teachers and researchers.

Note: Professional practice is regulated by each country's law.

Study Plan

The Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations has a total duration of 90 credits. The program has a curricular structure based on two complementary formative parts to achieve an integral formation:

  • Part I: SUBJECTS

The first part deals with the understanding of complex human relations in the healthcare sector, highlighting the importance of competency-based management and organizational change. It focuses on understanding people in the work environment, as well as acquiring an overview of the company and its business language. In addition, it explores the strategic processes of healthcare organizations and the care of people, the quality and safety of services, and healthcare management and planning. Finally, it explores aspects of management, individual and group psychology, and personal development.

The subjects that make up the first part are shown in the following table:

Strategic Human Resources Management 4
Performance Evaluation and Management by Competencies 3
Business Administration and Management 4
Health Economics 4
Financial Management 4
Healthcare Planning 4
Marketing in Health 3
Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety 4
Healthcare Systems 3
Management of Health Services 4
Time Management and Chairing of Meetings 3
Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Healthcare Sector 3
Stress and Burnout 3
Interpersonal Communication Techniques 3
Management and Organizational Leadership Techniques 4
Team Management Techniques 3
Learning Strategies and ICT Competencies 4
Methodology of Scientific Research 4

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university that issues the degree.


The Master's Final Project or Thesis, which has a course load of 10 credits, has the objective of presenting a complete work that shows the total development of a project, contemplating the possibility of its concrete execution according to the guidelines and details of the proposal presented.

Mandatory Master's Final Project 10

a. the equivalence in credits may vary according to the university that issues the degree.

Note: The content of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications depending on updates or improvements mande.


Academic Administration

  • Dr. Maurizio Battino. Director of the Health and Nutrition Area of the Iberoamerican University Foundation. Researcher in Biochemistry and lecturer at the Scuola di Specializzazione in Scienza dell'Alimentazione.
  • Dr. Silvia Aparicio Doctorate in Economics by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Degree in Business Administration and Management by the Universidad de Cantabria. International Academic Director of the Area of Management Development, Business Organization, and Human Resources of the Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER.

General Academic Coordination

  • Irma Domínguez Azpíroz. PhD(c). International Health Area Coordinator. Doctoral Candidate in Education. International Master in Nutrition and Dietetics. Master in Physical Activity: Training and Sports Management.

Program Coordination

  • Vivian Lipari Zegarra, PhD(c). Doctoral Candidate. Master in Public Health by the Universidad de Chile, and MSc in Health Services Administration at the Universidad Federico Villarreal, Peru.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Diego Gómez.Doctorate in International Public Health with Specialization in Healthcare and Development Policies by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Postgraduate studies (Doctorate Course) in Occupational Health and Safety at the Universidade do Porto. Specialist in Occupational Safety by the Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid.
  • Daniela Torrico Villarroel, PhD(c). Doctorate in Projects, Research, and Marketing by the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (in process). Master in Business Administration by La Salle Business Administration. Master in Marketing and Commercial Distribution by the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
  • Dr. Emmanuel Soriano Flores. Doctorate in Science in Higher Education by the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico. Master' in Educational Innovation by the Universidad Pedro de Gante. Master in International Business and Bachelor's Degree in Administration by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Honorable Mention), Postgraduate Degree in Financial Management and Accounting by the Escuela de Negocios Europea, Barcelona. Master in Business and Corporate Communication by the Universidad Isabel I, Spain.
  • Dr. Ernesto Bautista Thompson. Doctorate in Computer Science by the Centro de Investigación en Computación del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico. Master in Materials Science and Engineering by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Dr. Elsy TavaresDoctorate in Intercultural Relations by the Universidade Aberta, Portugal. MBA Management and Coordination of Pedagogical Training by Cognos Formação, Portugal.
  • Dr. Judit GarcíaDoctorate in Psychology and Educational Sciences by the Universidad de León. Master in Psychology and Educational Sciences and Master in Primary Education. Degree in Psychopedagogy by the Universidad de León.
  • Dr. Lucas Pina. Doctor of Medicine from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Master in Strategic Management and Direction in Health by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico. Master in Education by the Universidad de Jaén, Spain.
  • María Eugenia Luna Borgaro PhD(c).Doctoral Candidate. Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management by the Universidad de León.
  • Dr. Oscar Ulloa. Doctorate in Education by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Master in Community Development by the Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, Cuba. Specialist in Social Worker Training and Degree in Psychology.
  • MS. Emilse GaleanoMaster in Strategic Management of Health Organizations by the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, Mexico. Specialist in Strategic Planning and Quality Management in Hospitals and Health Institutions by the Universidad CAECE, Argentina.
  • MS. Lucía Vassallo. Master in Health Services Management by the Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Peru. MBA Project Management by the Instituto Europeo de Postgrado.
  • MS. Stefanía Carvajal. Master in Strategic Management of Health Organizations. Professor at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.