Design and development of a portable dehydrator to transform chili pepper (Peru)


FUNIBER, through CITEalimenta, participates in the project called Design and development of a portable dehydrator to transform and preserve Capsicum baccatum in Lambayeque using renewable energies.

The project’s mission is to design and develop a portable dehydrator based on solar energy to optimize the drying process of Capsicum baccatum, hence improving its quality and reducing its loss.

With this project, the aim is to optimize the dehydration process of Capsicum baccatum using a solar energy based dryer that represents an alternative with reduced costs for farmers and entails improvements in the final product’s quality and return. The effect of drying on the carotenoid content will be studied, that are pigments related to the chili pepper’s color, in the search for a more uniform and more appealing color in the final product. In this way, an added value product will be obtained from one of the most important chili peppers from the Peruvian area.

CITEalimenta, technological center created by FUNIBER and Universidad Científica del Sur (UCSUR) conducts the optimization of the drying process both at a conventional level (in a drying tunnel) and at a developed solar dryer, trains farmers on how to handle chili pepper after the harvesting and the usage of the solar dryer.

The project also counts with the collaboration of Central Agroandina del Perú, la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) y la Asociación de Productores Cristo es el camino. Likewise, the project is sponsored by the Programa Nacional de Innovación (PNIA) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Peru, the World Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank.

The project is developed throughout 2016-2019.