Training and revitalization program aimed at touristic business in El Salvador (El Salvador)


The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) leads an international cooperation project about training and revitalization aimed at touristic businesses in El Salvador, financed by the Barcelona.

El Salvador counts with great touristic potential thank to its natural, social and economic characteristics. This project’s objective is to boost the development of small businesses belonging to the touristic sector in El Salvador, through an improvement in the touristic offer and its promotion to international visitors, for which training, counseling and revitalization actions will be taken with the support of digital tools.

This project will be undertaken during 2014 and 2015, its duration is planned to be 18 months together with Fantastiq Transmedia Solutions, a Spanish company specialized in new touristic technologies applied to tourism, the Terrassa town hall, the Ministry of Tourism of El Salvador and the Santa Tecla town hall.