Strengthening of Capacities in International Cooperation (Peru)


This project was aimed at forming a network of agents of international cooperation by building synergies between local realities of Iquitos, Piura, Arequipa, Cusco and Lima, and taking advantage of the organizational learning that arises from the experience of the agents in their own reality when sharing them in the network. The project trained more than 68 agents among officials and academics from regional governments and universities chosen for their ability to carry out specific initiatives of growth and economic development.

The project resulted in regional development initiatives taking advantage of the knowledge shared and emerged among the participants of the different cities. The initiatives were 15 (3 in Lima, 3 in Iquitos, 3 in Piura, 3 in Arequipa and 3 in Cuzco):

  • Recovery of the historical center of Callao
  • Pilot system of road safety education for children in the Colegio Nacional General Prado of Callao
  • Training of tour guides for the development of the province of Barranca
  • Use of the Shanusi river water resource, for the agricultural production
  • Use of deforested areas in the road from Iquitos to Nauta
  • Decrease of child delinquency in the city of Iquitos
  • Improvement of the system of solid waste in the city of Piura
  • Rural microenterprise in Paicapampa for the administration of agricultural products
  • Irrigation techniques and cultivation plans in the valley of the Chira
  • Quality of the alpaca fiber produced in the province of Caylloma
  • Tourist activity in the Colca Canyon
  • Construction of the hydroelectric plant in the Ocoña basin
  • Development of South American camelids in the province of Canchis-Cusco
  • Educational quality in districts of extreme poverty in the region Cusco
  • Proposal for handling and current management of the inca trail

The project in Peru provided on a short-term with an important group of experts to plan and manage international cooperation projects, trained to deal with a solid knowledge and with proven tools and applied by them all the planning and management activities of a cooperation project. There were also projects created by the participants themselves. These professionals and their projects help in every way the development and economic growth by making more reliable and professional the planning and management of any cooperation project in the face of the beneficiary community and donor and cooperation agents.

FUNIBER integrally coordinated the implementation of the project at the local level in 5 cities of Peru (Lima, Lima, Arequipa, Cusco and Iquitos) with:

(I) knowledge, expertise, technology and social capital in the creation, design, management, implementation and closure of the project;
(ii) experience in offshore training and its instructional adequacy to the dynamics of the country;
(iii) virtual spaces and good practices for cooperative work and collaborative work;
(iv) support for the design of development projects and economic growth of the country;
(v) experience in creation of national projects of citizen participation, social integration, entrepreneurship and human development; and,
(vi) remote management of the training project and in its programming and its follow-up as a geographically dispersed project.

The project was carried out with grant from the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD, Catalonia, Spain) and together with FONCHIP and CAPRODES (AECID-Peru).