Creation and Design of International Cooperation Projects (Peru)


This project was designed to generate a body of development agents highly trained to formulate and design projects that respond to the new and growing needs demanded by the international cooperation agencies, which have as local counterpart staff qualified and able to manage a project.

The project enabled to train 26 experts selected from academics, experts and officials of the Piura Region, belonging to public bodies, NGOs, social organizations, municipal departments, among others.

In addition, the project enabled to generate projects and local development initiatives, aimed at improving the living conditions of rural communities, promoting the revival of the business fabric with actions for the development of tourism, promoting entrepreneurship and cleansing rivers, among others. The initiatives were:

  • Youth Training Center for Employment,
  • Institute for regional development,
  • Training in the generation of a cooperative enterprise for the women from the rural region of Piura,
  • Promotion of the Tourist Appeal of the region of Piura
  • Final disposal of urban solid waste through landfill for the city of Piura and Castilla, and
  • Program of assistance to the rural teaching

The project in Peru provided on a short-term with an important group of experts to formulate international cooperation projects trained to deal with a solid knowledge and with proven tools and applied by them the phases of design and creation of a cooperation project. There were also projects created by the participants themselves. These professionals and their projects help in every way the economic growth and development by making the cooperation proposals more solid and robust for the beneficiary community and for donor and cooperation agents.

FUNIBER participated at the local level in Piura (Peru) with various actions to support the project manager (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) in terms of:

(i) advise in knowledge and technology, and social capital in the creation, design, management, implementation and closure of the project;

(ii) The country's knowledge and expertise in online training and online studies;

(iii) face-to-face teaching in designing development projects and economic growth of the city and its surroundings; and,

(iv) virtual spaces of cooperative and collaborative work in order to facilitate the construction of a community of practice oriented to the generation of cooperation projects.

The project was carried out with the PCI aid granted by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Spain).