Master in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership

Program Presentation

The Coaching’s theory and practice is a recent and rapid discipline. Currently, Coaching is considered as one of the most innovative and efficient methodologies, when achieving a greater welfare and better results for the human being, in the personal and organizational field. The training provided by this master's degree allows you to obtain a university degree with a professional approach.

The master's degree aims to provide a much connected training with the professional context. The theoretical foundations of Coaching, its different scope of applications and methodological models, as a scheme that allows deepening in the Coaching process.

From a perspective oriented towards action, the program’s design responds to this purpose from the subjects’ didactic approach. The program deals with the tools that will be useful during the guidance and accompanying processes that may be carried out, offers a training as a professional oriented to the Coach’s key skills, in accordance with the International Coach Federation (ICF) standards; and Coaching’s practice, through accompanying sessions supervised by the teaching staff, tutors and coaches, accredited professionals and with a consolidated experience in the discipline.

Lastly, it is important to highlight that the program boosts the personal growth of the students, since it helps them train and develop their coach’s skills. An approach based on experience learning is key to work as a coach. Possible professional careers are those that are specific to the professional who works as a Coach, taking part and accompanying in the development, learning and awareness processes, in the personal and organizational field.

Students who successfully complete this Master's Degree will be qualified to:

  • Analyze and understand the Coach’s function and identity and the essential contribution it makes during the Coaching process.
  • Distinguish and apply the different models and approaches used to cope with the change processes.
  • Reaching the adequate skills as a Coach, basing on the 11 key competencies and the values boosted by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as to be a professional who complies with the adequate quality standards to be a Coach.
  • Use the linguistic tools (conversational model), the emotional tools (management of emotions) and body tools (non-verbal communication processes and techniques) that are useful in the Coaching processes.
  • Design, implement and assess change, development and transformation processes, aimed at achieving results, co-create awareness and solve breaks, be they personal or organizational.
  • Develop the essential competencies for the Human and Work Teams Management in extremely competitive organizational environments.
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement in the organization that are a way for change.
  • Manage processes where the Team Coaching intervenes, as well as to know how to manage processes in different fields, for example: personal, educational, health or sports fields.

Who is the programme for?

The Master’s Degree in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership is designed for professional s from any sector, from any area belonging to the business pyramid or consulting firms, who has experience in managing people.

As well, the program is thought for Coaching professionals who want to complete and strengthen their training on the most updated and innovative methodologies in this discipline, as well as develop and strengthen their skills as a Coach, improve their capacity to lead, coordinate and guide other in their transformation processes, and extend their tool box as Coaching professionals.

The proposed training methodology, in addition to the clarity, extension and didactics in the contents’ design, it allows the Master's Degree in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership to be aimed at professionals, managers or entrepreneurs who want to train themselves in Coaching to apply it to the organizational field, in order to acquire techniques to improve their abilities to manage, lead and inspire their partners as to achieve better and new results.

The Master’s Degree is aimed at people holding a degree in Psychology, Medicine, Nursing, Law, Psycho-pedagogy, Advertising or Business Administration and Management, Education or other similar degrees.


The successful completion of the Program will allow the student to obtain the degree of MASTER IN PERSONAL COACHING AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP, issued by the University where he or she has registered.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

1st Part: Theoretical foundations and discipline sources 12
2nd Part: The Coach’s skills and abilities 11
3rd Part: Coaching tools and techniques 12
4th Part: The Coaching process and its application fields 12
5th Part: Coaching in the Organizations: 11
6th Part: Supervised training: Coaching in Action 15
7th Part: Final Project 17

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


La Master in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership tiene 90 créditos. La duración de la Master in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership es de 12 to 24 months. En este período de tiempo, el alumno tiene que haber superado con éxito todas las actividades evaluadas y aprobado el Proyecto Final.


General Objective

  • Training professionals in the Coaching discipline, via the development of their skills and abilities as Coaches, the insight in the different useful and needed tools to be able to accompany and obtain improvement results in the development and accompanying processes, within the conceptual and methodological approaches that support Coaching.

Specific objectives

  • Analyze and understand the Coach’s function and identity and the essential contribution it makes during the Coaching process.
  • Distinguish and apply the different models and approaches used to cope with the change processes.
  • Reaching the adequate skills as a Coach, basing on the 11 key skills and the values boosted by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as to be a professional who complies with the adequate quality standards to be a Coach.
  • Use the linguistic tools (conversational model), the emotional tools (management of emotions) and body tools (non-verbal communication processes and techniques) that are useful in the Coaching processes.
  • Design, implement and assess change, development and transformation processes, aimed at achieving results, co-create awareness and solve breaks, be they personal or organizational.
  • Develop the essential competencies for the Human and Work Teams Management in extremely competitive organizational environments.
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement in the organization that are a way for change.
  • Manage processes where the Team Coaching intervenes, as well as to know how to manage processes in different fields, for example: personal, educational, health or sports fields.

Career Opportunities

The professionals who successfully complete the Master's Degree Program Criminal Psychology, Specialization in Forensic psychology of FUNIBER will be able to exercise in the following institutions and areas:

  • Personal Coach and Organizational Coach
  • Coach for work teams, executives, managers or entrepreneurs
  • Business consultant
  • Professionals and managers at all the levels of the organizational pyramid
  • Specialists in Recruitment and Staff Training

Study Plan

The Master's Degree Program in Clinical and Health Psychology consists of 7 blocks or modules with 13 subjects:

1 Coaching origins and theoretical foundations
2 Discipline sources to support Coaching
3 Coach competencies
4 Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming
5 Tools for the Coach
6 Mindfulness and Coaching
7 The Coaching process
8 Coaching application fields
9 Organizational Leadership and Coaching
10 Coaching Marketing and Personal Branding
11 Coaching in Action: Supervised Coaching Process.
12 Scientific Research Methodology
13 Master’s Degree Final Project

Note: The contents of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications, depending on the updates or the improvements made.


  • PhD. Vanessa Yélamos Torres. PhD in Education, Iberoamerican International University (in process). Master’s Degree in Integral Coaching, Instituto Superior de Coaching de Barcelona. Accredited as a Professional Coach by ASESCO (in process). Master’s Degree in Systemic Coaching, Uiversitat Autònoma de Barcelona, together with the Instituto Sistémico de Barcelona, Spain. Degree in Psychology, University of Barcelona. Training in Systemic Constellations and Neurolinguistics Programming. Specialist in Coaching Techniques. Program with ACSTH certification by the ICF. Professional experience linked to online teaching in subjects such as Coaching, management of emotions, Leadership, Change Management. Experience as a psychologist and coach, offering online and face-to-face spaces, where the clients are able to carry out vital discovering, learning processes and personal and professional transformation. Participation in various seminars and workshops about Systemic and Transformational Coaching. Collaboration in educational projects. Complementary training in online spaces.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • MSc. Stefania Stiscia. Master’s Degree in Coaching with NLP, Escuela de Coaching Motivat in Barcelona, Spain. Coach accredited by ASESCO. Master’s Degree in Personal and Corporation Coaching with a Systemic approach in Coaching Lab, Barcelona. Complementary training in Transformational Coaching, Instituto Gestalt Barcelona and People Tech Solutions. Complementary training in Systemic Coaching and Systemic and Organizational Constellations in Farfala Coaching Global from Barcelona. Degree in Business and Economic Sciences, Università degli Studi di Modena, Italy. Co-creator of contents for various Coaching training programs. Founder and member of the events Committee of AECOP. Resources procurer and online tutor. Founder of Artliferbarcelona, she develops activities as trainer, adviser and coach and enables spaces to ease the organizational and personal development.
  • MSc. Sandra Guasch Santos. Master’s Degree in Neuro-leadership and Organizational Coaching, EADA Barcelona. Master's Degree in Transformational, Personal and Organizational Coaching for managers, Instituto Gestalt de Barcelona and People Tech Solutions. Degree in Business Administration, University of Barcelona, Spain. Copperfield Certification in the Kaospilot School of Design, Barcelona. Sikkhona Certification, instituto de la Comunicación y de Coaches, Barcelona. Complementary training in the development of human resources, relational and communicative abilities. Trainer and Organizational Coach. Business Management and Human Resources chief. Experience as a trainer, coordinator and work teams’ manager.
  • MSc. Núria Oltra González. Master's Degree in Systemic Coaching from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Degree in Psychology Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain. Founder and Holistic Coach at Novamirada, where she offers spaces to promote the holistic growth and people’s life growth. Experience as a classroom-based teacher in the Master’s Degree in Systemic Coaching, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, together with the Instituto Sistémico de Barcelona. Projects coach and coordinator in the Fundación Babel Punto de Encuentro.
  • MSc. Sonia Juliana Pérez Pérez. Master’s Degree in Music Therapy, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Degree in Psychology at the National Distance Education University. Degree in Anthropology, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. Certified in University Teaching, Corporación Universitaria Taller 5. Highly skilled in the development of educational, social and therapeutic processes from the understanding, analysis and proactive vision skills. High writing, reading and research abilities. She is an experienced teacher and music therapy in diverse university institutions, training centers and therapeutic intervention in Colombia.
  • MSc. Sara Moza Moríñigo. Master’s Degree in Teaching, University of Sevilla. Master’s Degree in HHRR and Work Management, Centro de Estudios Jurídicos de Granada. Master’s Degree in Mediation and Conflict Resolution, European University of the Atlantic (student). Degree in Psychology, University of Granada. Experience in HHRR consultancy and as a teacher in the conflict resolution and HHRR area. Collaboration in educational projects. Complementary training in online spaces.
  • PhD. Laura Natalia Pérez. PhD (Cum Laude) and Master's Degree in Cognitive Science and Language, University of Barcelona, Spain. Academic Director of the Master’s Degree in Health Psychology at the International Iberoamerican University, Mexico; Academic Coordinator of the PhD in Psychology and Professor at this university. Psychologist and coach, founder of Human Flourishing. Research Experience at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Experience as a psychologist at Hospital San Juan de Dios and La inmaculada, Colombia.
  • PhD. María de los Ángeles González García. PhD in Educational Psychology and Sport Psychology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Master’s Degree in Research in Health Psychology and Sport Psychology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Degree in Psychology, Specialization: Clinical Psychology, Universidad de Salamanca. Part-time Holder Teacher at Soler i Sala SL, Barcelona, in Consultation and Training in Health Psychology, Coaching and PNL (June 2009-2011) and currently Associate Professor at the Degree in Psychology at the European University of the Atlantic. She has worked as a Psychologist in the Unity of Internal Medicine of the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, in Assistance, Research and Training tasks. At present, she is Director of the Psychoeducational Center “BalanCe”, in Santander, Psychologist and Mindfulness trainer. She has published manuals and scientific articles published in international journals on Clinical Psychology and also, she has collaborated in many clinical studies.
  • PhD. Juan Luis Martín Ayala. PhD in Psychology, University of the Basque Country, Spain. Master’s Degree in Mental Health, Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Expert on Family Mediation. Director of the Academic Degree in Psychology and Teacher and Researcher of the Evolutionary Psychology and Education area at the European University of the Atlantic, Spain. Author and co-author of numerous books, book chapters and research articles on the field. Participation in international conferences on development and education.
  • PhD. Abel Ponce. PhD in Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Degree in Psychology and Master’s Degree in Social Communication, Universidad de La Habana. He is currently professor and researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at the International University of La Rioja. He has participated in several research projects on drug addiction and youth cultures, implications of drug consumption in families of drug addicts, migration in university students, cultural studies, creativity and development of the creative potential in children, clinical and health psychology. He has publications in international journals and he has completed research stages in universities of many countries. Moreover, he has received several awards and fellowships due to his research projects. After more than 14 years of teaching and research, his fundamental interest is linked to the research on creative potential development in different fields (Health, Education and Business). He is a clinical psychologist with a broad experience in the profession.
  • PhD. Julién Brito Ballester PhD in Education, Iberoamerican International University (in process). Master's Degree in Systemic Coaching, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Master's Degree in Human Resources Management, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Master’s Degree in Labor and Organizational Psychology, University of La Habana, Cuba. Her professional career has been linked to teaching, research and consulting in the Organizational Psychology and other related areas. She has mainly worked on academic coordination, teaching, recruitment, training and development as well as in the management and implementation of different consulting projects attending to different organizational intervention needs and change processes. She has been working on a line of research linked to the development of competencies.
  • PhD. (c) Andrea Gutiérrez Jiménez. Psychologist, Master’s Degree in Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Degree in Perinatal Education. She has worked on the human development field in health and education institutions and in private businesses. More than 15 years of experience in the teaching area, she is a consultant ad gives lectures. With transcultural experiences. She has generated change processes at a corporate and individual level, in the execution of short and mid-term projects. She counts on the International Certification as a Facilitator in Group Dynamics issued in Lima, Peru, Organización GERZA. Complementary training in online spaces.
  • PhD. Vanessa Yélamos Torres. PhD in Education, Iberoamerican International University (in process). Master’s Degree in Integral Coaching, Instituto Superior de Coaching de Barcelona. Accredited as a Professional Coach by ASESCO (in process). Master’s Degree in Systemic Coaching, Uiversitat Autònoma de Barcelona, together with the Instituto Sistémico de Barcelona, Spain. Degree in Psychology, University of Barcelona. Training in Systemic Constellations and Neurolinguistics Programming. Professional experience linked to online teaching in subjects such as Coaching, management of emotions, Leadership, Change Management. Experience as a psychologist and coach, offering online and face-to-face spaces, where the clients are able to carry out vital discovering, learning processes and personal and professional transformation. Participation in various seminars and workshops about Systemic and Transformational Coaching. Collaboration in educational projects. Complementary training in online spaces.
  • PhD. (c). María Eugenia Luna Borgaro. PhD in Education, International Iberoamerican University Mexico, currently developing the PhD Thesis. Master’s Degree in Human Resources and Knowledge Management, University of León. Degree in Psychology, Universidad de Guadalajara. Experienced business coach for entrepreneurs. Teacher in subjects related to the management skills, business administration, young adult’s education. Professional experience in recruitment and hiring staff.
  • PhD. Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco PhD in Education, International Iberoamerican University (in process). Master’s Degree in Labor and Organizational Psychology, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Her professional career has been linked to teaching, research and consulting in the Organizational Psychology and other related areas. Experience in the coordination of work teams for the syllabus design of academic programs and creation of didactic materials, as well as the management and optimization of processes and procedures linked to the design and implementation of academic programs in online learning spaces. Significant participation in Workshops, Seminars and Congresses. Author and co-author of several scientific publications.
  • Dr. Mariacarla Martí González. Doctorate in Education from the University of Zaragoza. Master in Art Education from the University of Arts, Cuba. Bachelor in Psychology and Pedagogy in Arts. Certified in the Methodology of Community-based Corrective Processes. Has worked as professor in Psychology from the University of Arts and was a guest researcher in the University of Zaragoza. Author of several books in support of teaching in the area of Group Psychology and in the analysis and intervention of social and community processes. Professor of Group Psychology and Social Psychology in the European University of the Atlantic and a member of the university’s Psychopedagogical Advisory Cabinet. Her research line has centered on Group Psychology, genders and social transformation processes.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.