Master in Clinical Psychology and Health

Program Presentation

The Master in Clinical and Health Psychology is a multidisciplinary program that provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to cope with the growing demands and challenges that we face today in the health services field. By updating the basic skills learned at the undergraduate level, the master's degree offers quality training based on methodological proposals and evidence-based interventions. The program has two elective specializations: Clinical Psychology or Health Psychology, which allow a deepening in one or another field.

Those students who choose the clinical psychology specialization will develop skills for dealing with clinical cases of different complexity levels. Those students who choose the health psychology specialization, will gain a comprehensive overview of all situations in which they can perform a psychological intervention, parallel to the medical treatment, acquiring skills for their design and implementation.

This Master’s Degree is designed for a wide professional audience, that is to say, for those who wish to specialize in specific clinical and socio-sanitary sectors, as well as for newly graduated students who pursue a career in any of them.

The career opportunities are specific of a professional who works in the world of clinical and health psychology (from childhood to old age), with the aim of improving wellbeing and quality of life, as well as diagnosing and intervening in the problems and disorders of these fields.

Who is the programme for?

The Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology trains the student in a relevant professional sector: working with patients with mental disorders or who require psychological support by other circumstances related to their psychophysiological health. It also enables to work in community health, and at various institutions in which the psychological work is required. The Master's Degree provides a quality training for the assessment, consultancy and intervention development.

This program has two student profiles who although having different characteristics, have complementary points that enable to offer a comprehensive academic proposal:

  1. The Master in Clinical Psychology is primarily aimed at professionals of Psychology and Psychiatry who wish to train, deepen and/or to be up-to-date in psychological clinical practice; from a comprehensive vision of health and disease in order to carry out the work more efficiently; or that such studies expand their employability possibilities; or provide a qualitative difference due to the competitive professional environment.
  2. The Masterin Health Psychology, in addition to be a program oriented to professionals of psychology, allows to benefit other health professionals, or of the socio-community field, that face diverse situations and socio-sanitary problems and who wish to broaden the understanding and approach from a psychological point of view. It is aimed at mental health professionals, as well as medical and paramedical personnel of specializations non directly related to mental health, such as nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, among other clinical and health specializations. As well as personnel related to social services dedicated to work, with risk population groups, communities (sociologists, social workers and educators, assistants in residences, etc.).

Students eligible for the clinical specialty may also choose to take the health specialty, in which case they will be certified according to the conditions of the university where they have enrolled.


The successful completion of the Program will allow the student to obtain the degree of MASTER IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH, issued by the University where he or she has registered.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master in Clinical Psychology and Health program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

Block 1: Foundations 18
Block 2: Diagnosis and Psychological Intervention 32
Block 3: Specialization in Clinical Psychology 24
Block 3: Specialization in Health Psychology 24
Block 4: Supervised Face-to-face Internship 6
Block 5: Final Project 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


La Master in Clinical Psychology and Health tiene 90 créditos. La duración de la Master in Clinical Psychology and Health es de 12 to 24 months. En este período de tiempo, el alumno tiene que haber superado con éxito todas las actividades evaluadas y aprobado el Proyecto Final.


General Objective

  • Providing the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze, investigate and deal with the increasing demands and challenges that we face today in the health services field from the biopsychosocial approach.

Specific Objectives

Students who successfully complete this Master's Degree will be qualified to:

  • Identify the needs and demands of the socio-sanitary contexts and propose appropriate solutions.
  • Identify the most appropriate psychodiagnostic tests in each case from the ethical perspective for working with individuals, groups, institutions and communities.
  • Design and implement psychotherapeutic interventions; as well as community and institutional intervention programs.
  • Become integrated into multidisciplinary teams of intervention and research by providing psychological vision to different clinical and health problems.
  • Make a valid and reliable research in the psychology field, interpret the results, write a scientific report and explain and defend the results obtained.

Career Opportunities

Professionals who successfully complete the Master's Degree program in Clinical and Health Psychology will be able to carry out their tasks in positions such as:

  • Technician in evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of psychophysiological problems and disorders.
  • Technician in neuropsychological evaluation, diagnosis, and rehabilitation in patients with brain damage.
  • Designer and evaluator of prevention and health promotion campaigns, mostly mental.
  • Personal, academic, professional and family counselor.
  • Director of child-youth development and early care centers.
  • Supervisor of residential and educational action centers.
  • Advisor and counselor in the planning and development of multiple health services programs.
  • Coordinator for the assessment, planning and intervention in psychosocial rehabilitation programs.
  • Researcher in a clinical and of community intervention context.
  • University teacher/researcher.

Study Plan

The Master's Degree Program in Clinical and Health Psychology consists of 5 blocks or modules with 24 subjects:

1 Epistemological perspectives in clinical psychology and health
2 Psychosocial paradigms on the health-illness process
3 Life cycle, life styles, stress and health
4 Current psychopathology in psychology. Fundamentals of psychopharmacology
5 Management of psychological services in the socio-sanitary environment.
6 Attitudes and skills for the psychological services development in the socio-sanitary environment.
1 Attitudes and skills for the psychological services development in the socio-sanitary environment.
2 Design of promotion and prevention campaigns in health
3 Psychogerontology and health
4 Crisis intervention, disasters and emergencies: psychological first aids
5 Diagnostic and intervention on risk behaviors and addictions
6 Psycho-health and community implications of violence
7 Intervention fields specialized in health psychology
8 Research Seminar I
1 Occupational health and stressors in the socio-sanitary environment
2 Psychology of chronic health disorders
3 Psychological aspects of rare diseases
4 Neuropsychology
5 Psychology and palliative care
6 Legal and psychosocial aspects of disability in the socio-sanitary environment
7 Research Seminar II
1 Approaches in intervention and psychotherapy
2 Assessment and intervention in mental disorders from childhood and adolescence
3 Assessment and intervention in mental disorders in adults
4 Methods and techniques of intervention and psychotherapy
5 Sexuality, couple and family
6 Neuropsychology
7 Research Seminar II
1 Supervised Face-to-face Internship
1 Master’s Degree Final Project

Note: The contents of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications, depending on the updates or the improvements made.


  • Dr. Laura Natalia Pérez. PhD (Cum Laude) and Master's Degree in Cognitive Science and Language at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Academic Director of the Master’s Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and teacher at the International Iberoamerican University in Mexico. Psychologist and coach, founder of Human Flourishing. Research Experience at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Experience as a psychologist at the Hospital San Juan de Dios and La inmaculada, Colombia.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Maite Barrios Cerrejón. PhD in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, Spain. Teacher of Psychology at the University of Barcelona and teaching experience at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain. Author of 45 publications with an impact factor. Research collaborator in 25 competitive projects and principal researcher in 4. Author and co-author of numerous articles, books and book chapters, as well as participant in various congresses.
  • Dr. Gaspar Berbel Giménez. PhD in Sociology, Master's Degree in Sociology and a Master's Degree in Research Methodology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Teacher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain and at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Tutor at the National Distance Education University of Spain. Expert on research design, statistics, data analysis, and psychometry. Experience in creating human factor development programs. Author of several publications on issues of training and human resources.
  • Dr. Antonio Cosculluela Mas. PhD in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, Spain. Holder teacher of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Barcelona. Specialist in methodology of the behavioral sciences. Research lines: psychophysiological records and anxiety, activation and automatic processes, reaction time and intelligence, among others. Participant in several congresses. Author and co-author of publications in indexed journals and books. Active participant in various research projects.
  • Dr. Anna Belén Gómez Lima. Phd in Psychology and Life Quality, and Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Girona, Spain. Degree in Psychology with the Degree Extraordinary Award and teacher at the University of Barcelona. General health psychologist. Manager of research projects on health psychology. Author of scientific articles and participant in various national and international congresses.
  • Dr. Leticia Linares Arechederra. PhD (Cum Laude) and Master's Degree in Psychology and Master’s Degree in Mental Health and Psychological Therapies at the Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Master's Degree in Clinical Training in Mindfulness at the Association of Mindfulness and Health, Spain. Teacher of Psychology at the Universidad de Deusto. Psychologist at the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Spain. Author of publications on the role and current state of mindfulness. Participant in various conferences and congresses.
  • Dr. Juan Luis Martín Ayala. PhD in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country, Spain. Master’s Degree in Mental Health at the Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Expert on Family Mediation. Director of the Academic Degree in Psychology and Teacher and Researcher of the Evolutionary Psychology and Education area at the European University of the Atlantic, Spain. Author and co-author of numerous books, book chapters and research articles on the field. Participation in international conferences on development and education.
  • Dr. Guillermo Mattioli Jacobs. PhD in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, Spain. President of the Clinical and Health Department of the Official Association of Psychologists of Catalonia, Spain. Team Supervisor of basic social services at the Diputació de Barcelona. Experience in private clinical practice. Individual and family psychotherapist. Author of articles published in specialized journals.
  • Dr. Bernardo Moreno Jiménez. PhD in Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Professor of the Faculty of Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Research lines: personality psychology, stress, occupational health, psychosocial risks. Leading researcher in various projects. Author and co-author of numerous books, book chapters and articles in indexed journals. Participant in numerous academic events.
  • Dr. Pamela Parada Fernández. PhD (Cum Laude) in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Master's Degree in Health Psychology at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Spain. Degree in Psychology with honors at the Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile. Neuropsychologist of the Diputación de Álava, Spain. Researcher at the Universidad de Deusto. Teacher of the Undergraduate Degree in Psychology at the European University of the Atlantic, Spain. Lecturer at various national and international events. Author and co-author of several scientific publications.
  • Dr. Laura Natalia Pérez. PhD (Cum Laude) and Master's Degree in Cognitive Science and Language at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Academic Director of the Master’s Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and teacher at the International Iberoamerican University in Mexico. Psychologist and coach, founder of Human Flourishing. Research Experience at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Experience as a psychologist at the Hospital San Juan de Dios and La inmaculada, Colombia.
  • Dr. Carlos San Martín Blanco. PhD in Medicine from the University of Maryland (United States). Master’s Degree in Psychiatry and Mental Health at the Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Sexologist and psychotherapist. Teacher at the National Distance Education University of Spain. Coordinator of the Centro Interdisciplinar de Psicología y Salud (CIPSA) of Santander, Spain. Secretary General of the Academia Española de Sexología y Medicina Sexual. President of the Asociación Española para la Promoción Integral de la Salud Sexual (APISS). President of the scientific committee and speaker at various events on health. Author or co-author of a score of academic publications.
  • Dr. Mireia Oliva Macías. PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology and Master’s Degree in Mental Health and Psychological Therapies at the Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Teacher of the Undergraduate Degree in Psychology at the European University of the Atlantic, Spain. Experience as a teacher and researcher at the Universidad de Deusto. Experience as a psychologist in the Centro Psicológico y de Logopedia Logos, Bilbao, Spain. Speaker at national and international congresses. Author and co-author of several scientific publications.
  • Mg. Edurne Aragolaza Bernal. Master’s Degree in Behavior Therapy at the National Distance Education University of Spain. Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of the Basque Country, Spain. Medical specialization in Psychiatry by the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, Spain. Specific stays: Hospital Psiquiátrico de Alava , Hospital Universitario de la Paz and Centro Hospitalario Padre Menni. Participant in various conferences and courses.
  • Mg. Ismael Carbajo Rodríguez. PhD in Psycho-oncology from the University of Barcelona, Spain. Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos, Spain. Expert in Psychology of Emergencies and Disasters. Independent professional psychologist with his own consulting room. Psychologist at SIPS - Serveis Integrals de Psicologia, in Barcelona, Spain.
  • Mg. Ángela Carrera Camuesco. Master’s Degree in Behavior Therapy at the Fundación Universidad y Empresa and the National Distance Education University of Spain. Specialist in Clinical Psychology. Psychotherapist. Founding member and director of the IInterdisciplinar de Psicología y Salud (CIPSA). Teacher and internship tutor at the National University of Distance Education, Spain and at the University of the Basque Country, Spain. Experience in teaching courses, seminars, lectures and conferences. General secretary of the Asociación Española para la Promoción Integral de la Salud Sexual (APISS).
  • Mg. Iolao Francesc Mir Garrés. Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Medicine and Postgraduate Degree in Methodology and Evaluation in Clinical and Health Psychology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Teacher of the Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Medicine at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Experience as a specialist technician and support assistant in research at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Experience as a Resident Psychologist of the Center Ginecològic i Obstètric of Mataró, Spain.
  • Mg. Andreína Perozo Leal. Master's degree in Child and Young People Clinical Psychopathology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Master's Degree in Educational Psychology at the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, Venezuela. General health psychologist. Experience as a psychologist in Amalgam-7, Spain; Instituto Zuliano de Atención Integral al Niño, Venezuela; Unidad Educativa Colegio Claret, Venezuela. Experience as a teacher and researcher in Spain and Venezuela.
  • Lic. Eduardo Brignani Pérez. Degree in Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Santa María de los Buenos Aires. Psychotherapist. Scientific Advisor of the Family Support Plan for the Associations in the Federación Española del Síndrome X Frágil. Psychologist of the Asociación Española del Síndrome Cornelia de Lange. Teacher of the Master’s Degree in Child and Young People Psychopathology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Founder and Coordinator of the Working Group "Psicología+Discapacidad” at the Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya, Spain. Speaker at various conferences and national and international congresses. Author of various articles on disability.
  • Lic. María Ruiz Torres. Degree in Psychology at the University of Oviedo, Spain. University Expert in Statistics Applied to Health Sciences at the National University of Distance Education of Spain. Specialized health training as a clinical psychologist in the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, Spain. Experience as a therapist and psychologist. Publications in book chapters, national and international journals. Participation in various congresses of clinical psychology.
  • Dr. Ángel Olider Rojas Vistorte. Doctorate in Psychiatry and Medical Psychology from the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. Master in Clinical Psychology from the University of Havana, Cuba. Degree in General Psychology from the University of Oriente, Cuba. Researcher at the Program of Recognition and Intervention in Mental States at Risk (PRISMA, Programa de Reconocimiento e Intervención en Estados Mentales de Riesgo), as well as at the Brazilian Institute of Psychopharmacology and Pharmacogenetics (BIPP) where he is responsible for several projects. Professor and researcher since 2005 where he has taught undergraduate and graduate subjects related to: Basic Processes, History of Psychology, Psychometric Scale Evaluation, Cognitive Processes, Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, Neurosciences, Research Methodology, Statistical Analysis (SPSS), Human Intelligence, Social Psychology, among others. Has several scientific publications in indexed journals and book chapters in Psychiatry and Psychology. Speaker at national and international conferences and workshops.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

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