Telecommunication Economy and Regulation

Program Presentation

Given the change in scenario in the overall markets, especially in the telecommunication industry, exceptional opportunities for better management on Telecommunications are generated.

To face these new challenges, the Program in Telecommunication Economy and Regulation, trains Engineers, Business Managers, Telecommunication Companies, and Professionals from Regulatory Entities wishing to expand their knowledge on new trends and opportunities, and focuses on the improvements of best practices on Technology, Business Models, Budgeting, Economic Affairs and the general aspects necessary for better management.

The Telecommunication Economy and Regulation Program focuses on developing the basics of Telecommunication Economics regarding costs and prices, as well as regulatory concepts discussed in the context of ongoing changes in business models, such as convergence derivatives. These concepts are essential for professionals who are facing industry changes and amendments to the ground rules.

The program will provide all the necessary tools for a deep insight of the industry and analyze new market opportunities, changes due to convergence and the best practices on costs and pricing.


It is essential, since in the present context it is important that the "decision-making" of organizations and regulatory agencies understand and deepen the basic aspects of the telecommunication industry; uniting the concepts of competition and regulation in the world, contrasting the different experiences for a comprehensive and strategic vision of the subject. However, in this context, the basics of economics applied to the sector, in terms of costs and prices and their impact on strategic decisions of organizations, is also addressed.

It seeks to develop a more critical aspect of the industry, based on knowledge, to anticipate industry developments and be prepared within organizations to get the best benefits, and within regulatory agencies to absorb new business models within its scope.


Understanding and learning have proven to be the basic skills for leaders in the current context of business management. This, coupled with deep technological and market changes, makes the strategic and operational objectives go hand in hand with a greater understanding of economic concepts, of the trends and competition in the particulars of telecommunications.

At the present time in which permanent changes occur in both technological support and business models, which in turn shows that regulatory changes can strongly affect the number of business operators, or industry results to the national level, it is essential to have a clear understanding of all these aspects. Only in this way, can those responsible for making decisions in these fields have all the tools for precise and proportionate intervention when required to comply with the targets set by companies or regulatory authorities.

The program seeks to meet those needs through Subjects aimed at providing the basic and practical knowledge needed to address the major challenges of the telecommunication industry. It is aimed at technical and senior staff operators, regulating authorities, and businesses in general directly tied to said industry.

The contents include the basics in telecommunications and corporate management, to advanced topics in economics and the regulation of telecommunications. Besides the content description of each Course, these allow you to:

  1. Understand the essential concepts of communications, business management and team work.
  2. Examine economic aspects which are the basis for understanding the behavior of markets, to review the pricing policy of operators, economic regulation exerted by regulatory authorities, and the basics of regulation in general, with special emphasis on a crucial issue of the specifics and regulations of telecommunications, as is the current and future interconnection.
  3. Focus on more specific issues about the regulation of competition in telecommunications, reviewing the peculiarities of this industry and the consistent regulations with horizontal competition.

Focus the work on the concepts of convergence, giving the basics of technology at an accessible and necessary level for understanding the behavior of markets, business models and regulation.

Who is the programme for?

Training methodology proposed coupled with the clarity, scope and the teachings of content design, enables to direct Telecommunications Economy and Regulation program to all those people who wish to deepen and acquire knowledge of economic efficiency and regulatory practices within a competitive framework with deep and dynamic changes in the Telecommunications industry.


Successful completion of the program will allow you to obtain the degree of Specialization in TELECOMMUNICATION ECONOMY AND REGULATION as issued by the University where you have enrolled.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the program Telecommunication Economy and Regulation is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

No previous qualification

In the case of people with no previous degree or title, the credit structure for the Program is contained in the following table:

Part 1: Subjects 30

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.

With previous qualification

In the case of persons with a previous degree or title having completed a Program that required a Final Project, the credit structure for the Program is contained in the following table:

Part 1: Subjects 30
Part 2: Final Project 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The program in Telecommunication Economy and Regulation has 40 credits with previous qualification and 30 credits without previous qualification.
The duration of the program in Telecommunication Economy and Regulation varies between 9 and 12 months with previous qualification and varies between 6 and 9 months without previous qualification, depending on the student's dedication. In this period of time, the student must have successfully passed all the evaluated activities and approved the Final Project, if any.


General Objective:

  • Understand and master the basic concepts relating to costs and prices and regulation of telecommunications, as well as the state of competition and monopolies as part of the strategy of business development.

Specific Objectives:

  • Understand the foundation of new business strategies, based on the economy of Telecommunications.
  • Know better the particularities in terms of regulation in different countries in comparison with the more advanced countries in the matter.
  • Know and master the methodologies for calculating costs and prices, so as to advice countries in Information and Communications Technologies. (ICTs).
  • Know and master the main issues that guide the new regulatory frameworks due to changing models of business arising from the convergence.of ICTs.
  • To produce a critical analysis of the studied trends, and adapt it to the reality of each country.

Career Opportunities

The prospects that participants acquire is broad and extensive. Some of the Career Opportunities are as follows:

  • Corporate and Government Consulting and Advisory.
  • Telecommunications Direction or Management.
  • Project Planner and Evaluator.

Study Plan

Telecommunications Economy and Regulation program consists of:


The first part provides the foundations and essential program knowledge.

The subjects and corresponding credits that make up this part are shown in the following table:

1 Telecomunicactons Services 4
2 Strategic Management and Planning 4
3 Management techniques for work teams 3
4 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Techniques 3
5 Telecommunications Economy and Regulations Fundamentals 3
6 Regulation and Interconnectivity 3
7 Regulation - Promotion and Defense of the Competition 3
8 Convergence in Markets and Regulation 3
9 Fundamentals and best practices in Spectrum Management 4
  TOTAL 30

These subjects, despite being independent, are self-contained and are structured according to a coherent pedagogical order. Each is divided into basic thematic units or chapter, whose content includes printed material that should be considered to successfully answer the various evaluation activities.


The goal is to produce a Final Project intended so as to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the Program. The Final Project must be done when the guidelines governing the program call for it according to each university or organization that emits the degree or title.

1 Final Project 10


  • Dr. Arturo Ortega-Mansilla. Doctor of Electrical Engineering, by the University of Barcelona. Telecommunications Engineer by the Ramon Llull University, Spain. Coordinator of the IDi Area - Area Projects, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. Jon Arambarri Basañez. Doctor in Engineering and Technology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia UPC - University of Cordoba. MBA from the Institute of Applied Economics of UPV-EHU. Senior Telecommunications Engineer from the School of Engineering of Bilbao. Professor accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). Is currently a project manager at aimed at creating new products to meet the strategic needs of Aquitaine (France) - Euskadi in eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy Technologies. Combines his professional work with tasks as an independent consultant and teacher. Has more than 20 years of experience in technology business development and innovation management in the international public-private sector.  His research interests combine telecommunication infrastructures (Telecommunication Networks, Multimedia and Internet of Things - IoT) together with the digital transformation (Artificial Intelligence and predictive systems, Cyber-Security) of the business fabric, mainly in the areas of eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy. Author of numerous scientific publications and an active lecturer on innovative business management.
  • Ing. Omar de León. Telecommunications Engineer from the University of the Republic of Uruguay. Graduate studies and research in telecommunications in the IIP, the Netherlands. University Professor between 1964 and 1994. Director and principal consultant for Teleconsult. Adviser for telecom operators and governments in more than 30 countries.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Miguel López Coronado. Doctorate in Telecommunication from the Madrid Polytechnic University. Professor in the Department of Signal and Communications Theory and Telematics Engineering, Valladolid University.
  • Dr. Juan Antonio Romo Argota. Doctorate in Telecommunication from the Basque State University. Professor in the Bilbao School of Engineering, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Basque State University.
  • Dr. Isabel De La Torre Díez. Doctorate in Telecommunication from the Valladolid University. Professor in the Valladolid University on topics linked to telematics services, databases and business intelligence. Postdoctoral Research in Biomedical Informatics.
  • Dr. Begoña Blanco Jáuregui. Doctorate in Communication, Electronics and Control, Bilbao School of Engineering. Basque State University. Researcher in the Networking, Quality and Security (NQAS) Group in the Bilbao School of Engineering.
  • Dr. Fernando Izquierdo Álvarez. Masters in Telecommunication Engineering and HR and Business Management - MBA IESE. Master in Advanced Networking and Internet Services from the Madrid Polytechnic University. Vast experience in new ICT technologies companies. International consultant.
  • Dr. Marina Aguado. Doctorate in Telecommunication from the Basque State University. MSc. in Management of Manufacturing Systems from the Cranfield University, England. Experience in I D i Projects. Professor in the Basque State University.
  • Dr. David Barrera Gómez. Doctorate in Engineering from the Catalonia Polytechnic University and an MBA from the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering, UPC. Business, technology and business solutions consultant. Professor in the Iberoamerican International University.
  • Dr. Izel Marez. Doctorate in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communication from the Catalonia Polytechnic University. Professor in the Iberoamerican International Universidad.
  • Dr. Santos Gracia Villar. Doctorate in Industrial Engineering from the Catalonia Polytechnic University. Expert in Cooperation and management Projects.
  • Dr. Beatriz Sainz De Abajo. Doctorate from the Cordoba University. Professor in the Department of Signal and Communications Theory and Telematics Engineering, in the Valladolid University.
  • Dr. Ignacio Eizmendi Izquierdo. Professor in the Basque State University.
  • Dr. Eduardo García Villena. Doctorate in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communication from the Catalonia Polytechnic University. Academic Director of the Environmental Area in the Iberoamerican University Foundation.
  • Dr. Jon Arambarri Basañez. Doctor in Engineering and Technology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia UPC - University of Cordoba. MBA from the Institute of Applied Economics of UPV-EHU. Senior Telecommunications Engineer from the School of Engineering of Bilbao. Professor accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). Is currently a project manager at aimed at creating new products to meet the strategic needs of Aquitaine (France) - Euskadi in eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy Technologies. Combines his professional work with tasks as an independent consultant and teacher. Has more than 20 years of experience in technology business development and innovation management in the international public-private sector.  His research interests combine telecommunication infrastructures (Telecommunication Networks, Multimedia and Internet of Things - IoT) together with the digital transformation (Artificial Intelligence and predictive systems, Cyber-Security) of the business fabric, mainly in the areas of eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy. Author of numerous scientific publications and an active lecturer on innovative business management.
  • Dr. (c) Diego J. Kurtz. Doctorate in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the PPGEGC – UFSC (in process). Master in International Business - Wiesbaden Business School, Germany. Researcher in the Core Management for Sustainability ( and Junior Researcher of the Dynamic SME Project ( Program Coordinator and Professor in the Iberoamerican University Foundation.
  • Dr. (c) Saúl Domingo Soriano. Doctoral candidate at the University of Leon. Master in Business Management from the Barcelona Catalonia Institute of Technology. Master in e-Business Consulting and Information Technology from the Las Palmas University in Grand Canaria, Spain. Director of Master and Specializations Final Project, Iberoamerican University Foundation.
  • Dr. (c) Jon Sánchez de la Fuente. Professor in the Basque State University.
  • Ms. Pedro Chávez Chiclayo. Computer Systems Engineer from the Trujillo Antenor Orrego University (Peru). Master in Computer Science from the Campinas State University in Sao Paulo (Brazil).
  • Ms. Virginia Saman. Engineer in Computer Management from the St. Mary University Campus Guayaquil Chile. Master in Logistics (France).
  • Ing. Omar de León. Telecommunications Engineer from the University of the Republic of Uruguay. Graduate studies and research in telecommunications in the IIP, the Netherlands. Director and principal consultant for Teleconsult.
  • Ing. Sylvia Chebi. Telecommunications engineering from the University of the Republic of Uruguay. Graduated from the University of Montevideo (Uruguay) and Adolfo Ibañez University (Chile). Consultant for Teleconsult.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Ibero-american University Foundation (FUNIBER) periodically delivers an economic baseline with extraordinary character for scholarships in FUNIBER Training.

To apply for it, you only need to send your application for a scholarship on the website’s main page with the required data, and the evaluation committee will examine the suitability of your candidature to be granted economic aid, in the form of a scholarship in FUNIBER Training.