Innovation management in ASENVASES (Colombia, 2012)

The Centre for Industrial Technology Innovation of Colombia (CITIC), Corporación ENLACE and Ascamm participate in the project called “Consolidation of the work team’s capacities of the ASENVASES S.A.S to manage innovation”, financed by Colciencias in the call number 577.
The project’s goal is to strength the innovation management capacities in Asenvases LTDA and its working team, with the support of Corporación Enlace, to boost the innovation management inside the company to achieve a systematization of the R+D practices.
CITIC will take part in the activities to raise awareness on innovation topics, it will disseminate the event and improve the product with the help of Ascamm’s technological center.


  • Corporación Enlace
  • CITIC - Centre for Industrial Technology Innovation of Colombia
  • Ascamm

Financing entity: Colciencias