CITAN: Creation of the research unit in food nutrition and technology of CITICAN (Spain)


FUNIBER, through the Center for Research and Industrial Technology of Cantabria (CITICAN) participates in the project to create a Research unit in Nutrition and Food Technologies (CITAN).

The project’s goal is to provide the CITICAN with a unit specialized in nutrition and food technology research.

To meet such goal, the project includes hiring professional researchers and buying scientific equipment to equip two laboratories, one specialized in bromathology and another one in microbiology.

With this project, CITICAN will have available a cutting-edge laboratory to carry out R+D activities related to food technology and human nutrition; it will lean on a human team capable of generating knowledge and transferring it to the industry and consumers, it will make it possible for research lines to develop, research that will be interesting for the food sector and the consumer, and will offer contract research services in the research, development and analysis of food and production processes.

These resources will allow CITICAN to position as a reference entity in the field of food research and support to the food sector.

CITICAN is a technological center created by FUNIBER and the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO).

The project is developed throughout 2014-2016.