Design and implementation of the Virtual School of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay)


The project “Design and implementation of the Virtual School of Mercosur” is aimed at giving greater impetus and development to the e-commerce and Internet business in the region, providing the design and implementation of the Virtual School, constituted by a learning platform, a program of training and exchange and a community of users, reinforced with a set of activities of high visibility.

Its objectives are:

  • Generating new capabilities, skills and knowledge in the MERCOSUR countries.
  • Integrating already existing capacities into the project, by enhancing them and taking profit from them.
  • Involving key actors and institutions related to e-commerce and the information society.
  • Incorporating innovation criteria in the formation of a network, the design of the components, the technological support and the development of activities.
  • Promoting the reduction of the asymmetries between the member countries of MERCOSUR, between different regions within each country and between different sectors of the community in each region.
  • Collaborating in the formulation of common strategies in the field of e-commerce and business on the Internet for the entire Mercosur.
  • Promoting and facilitating the development and use of the support infrastructure and support services for e-commerce and business on the Internet by companies, professionals and entrepreneurs.
  • Dissemination of good practices to improve the quality and quantity of the supply of products and services that create a positive experience in the online consumer.
  • Promoting e-commerce and cross-border Internet business between the member countries of MERCOSUR.

The final objective is that, after 27 months financed by the cooperation between the European Union and MERCOSUR, the Virtual School has the technical, managerial and financial autonomy to continue offering quality activities in the region on a sustained basis.

The institution responsible for the implementation of the Program Mercosur Digital, the Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) do Brasil, granted the bidding for the Virtual School to the consortium led by the Fundación CEDDET, Distance Education Center for Economic and Technological Development, and formed by the headquarters of FUNIBER Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Latin American Institute of Electronic Commerce (ILCE) and the Center for Studies and Advanced Systems of Recife (CESAR).