Master in Strategic Management

Program Presentation

The Master in Strategic Management (MSM) is an executive programme that seeks to harness all the previous experience of its participants while complementing it with the most up-to-date academic input. The MSM also lays great emphasis on Business Management involving active use of NITCs (New Information and Communication Technologies).

Set in an interactive context within a virtual learning environment, the Programme's educational methodology is based on a pedagogical approach including the acquisition of theoretical principles, and the analysis and discussion of practical case studies.

On successful completion of the Master in Strategic Management, the award holder will be able to:

  • Understand the strategic process of organizational management.
  •  Take on responsibilities within the process of strategic management and fulfill them in a competent fashion.
  •  Generate proposals that integrate both globalised and local processes into the management of a business.
  •  Master NICTs (New Information and Communication Technologies) in the field of business management.
  • Foster individual leadership skills within a teamwork context with a view to optimising business strategies.

Who is the programme for?

The training methodology proposed, summed up to the clarity, amplitude and didactic of the content design, allows the Master in Strategic Management to be aimed at professionals that are involved or that wish to get involved in the area of administration, management, and company management, without any previous training in this field or that lack a comprehensive view of strategic management.

In essence, this Master’s program is aimed at professionals from the fields of engineering, social sciences, management sciences and economy, among others. For these professionals, the Master’s Degree in Strategic Management would be ideal to enrich their integral training in Strategic Management for companies or businesses; or to simply add to their existing knowledge, acquire new skills, and specifically, agree on what Strategic Management means.


The successful completion of the Program will allow the student to obtain the degree of MASTER IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, issued by the University where he or she has registered.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master in Strategic Management program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

1ª Part: Fundamentals of business management 15
2ª Part: Human resources 15,5
3ª Part: Industrial organization and integral quality within the business 20
4ª Part: Strategy 17
5ª Part: Internationalization and globalization of businesses 12,5
6ª Part: Final Master’s Project or Thesis 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The Master in Strategic Management has 90 credits.

The duration of the Master in Strategic Management varies between 12 and 24 months, depending on the student's dedication. In this period of time, the student must have successfully passed all the evaluated activities and approved the Final Project.


General objective

  • The main aim of the Master in Strategic Management is that of training professionals in the theory and practice of Strategic Management, thereby endowing them with the executive thought processes that will allow them to undertake successfully their current and/or aspired-to managerial positions.

Specific objectives

  • Understand the strategic process of organizational management.
  • Take on responsibilities within the process of strategic management and carry them out effectively.
  • Generate proposals in the business management context that take account of both globalised and local processes.
  • Master the use of New Information and Communication Technologies in the field of business management.
  • Promote and stimulate leadership skills in teamworking activities with a view to optimizing business strategies.

Career Opportunities

Some of the career opportunities of the Master in Strategic Management are:

  • Area director.
  • Area manager.
  • Supervisor.
  •  Business advisor.
  • Consultant.

Study Plan

The curricular structure of the Master in Strategic Management Programme is divided into the following six compulsory modules:

  • 1st PART: Fundamentals of Business Management (150 hours)

The first module allows the student to acquire an overall vision of the company (functions, processes and components), and understand corporate and commercial language. Its main aim is that of enabling the student to understand organisations and handle corporate language effectively.

The subjects and workload (in hours) that correspond to the first module are shown in the following table:

1 Business Administration and Management 40
2 Cost Control and Cost Management 30
3 Financial Management 40
4 Marketing 40
  • 2nd PART: Human Resources (155 hours)

The second module enables students to understand complex human relations, and addresses all the elements necessary to achieve successful staff management and leadership. Topics involving staff management, individual psychology, group/team dynamics, and personal development will be covered. This module’s aim is to enable the students to become acquainted with the individual, group and organisational aspects of human behaviour.

The subjects and workload (in hours) that correspond to the second module are shown in the following table:

  • 3rd PART: Industrial organization and integral quality in the company (200 hours)

The third module allows acquiring the integral vision of the organizations from the point of view of quality. It covers all current issues such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, operations and logistics. The purpose is for the student to use and convert the standards in sustainable business management tools.

The subjects and workload (in hours) that correspond to the third module are shown in the following table:

1 Quality Management Systems: ISO 9001 40
2 ISO 45001 30
3 Environmental Management Systems: ISO 14001 50
4 Operations Management and Direction 30
5 Logistics 50
  • 4th PART: Strategy (170 hours)

The fourth module allows the student to become familiar with the strategic process, from the creation of a company to its deployment and operational implementation. By the end of this module, the student should be able to devise and develop strategies at all levels and be capable of implementing them.

The subjects and workload (in hours) that correspond to the fourth module are shown in the following table:

  • 5th PART: Internationalisation and Globalisation of Business (105 hours)

The fifth module provides a global vision of business. From an international perspective, the student will be helped to understand globalisation in the context of the Information Society, communications, trade relations and commerce.

The subjects and workload (in hours) that correspond to the fifth module are shown in the following table:

1 Information and Change Society 40
2 Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning 50
3 e-Commerce 20
4 International Commerce 15

Each module is therefore composed of a number of independent, self-contained subjects which are programmed in a logical pedagogical order so as to assure the assimilation of the concepts in order of increasing complexity. Each subject is divided into basic thematic units or chapters, and each chapter includes printed course materials that will be essential for carrying out the scheduled learning activities (self-assessment, reflection exercises and case studies) and thus meeting the required assessment criteria.

  • 6th PART: Research Methods and Final Project  (100 hours)

In the sixth and final module, students are required to carry out an in-depth research study in which they will apply the knowledge and competencies acquired during the entire Programme to a specific research topic. The subject Research Methods will prove invaluable for the successful completion of the Master’s Dissertation in that it familiarises the student with the use of the scientific method and its corresponding research tools.

1 Scientific Research Methodology 50
2 Final Project 50

Description of the Subjects



    This subject introduces the student to the concepts and techniques involved in the administration and management of business entities. In addition, it will enable the student to more fully understand the meaning, nature and scope of the role of company administrator or manager of one of its subsystems. This subject affords an overall vision of the company, its functions, processes and components, while familiarising the student with both corporate and commercial language.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    The Company in context
    Business classification. Sectors, actions and business activity.The company as a system. Companies and managers.
    Company organisation
    New trends in company structuring. Functional areas of the company.
    Corporate policy, direction and management.
    Company structure. Strategic direction. Tactical direction.Operational control.
    Business integration: Information, Communication and Knowledge
    Company information (and data). Communication within the company. Corporate knowledge management. IIC business systems: SI/TIC.
    Sociology, Economics and Law in the business environment
    Socio-economic analysis of the company. Business economics. Business law.
    The New Economy and International Management
    Globalisation: internationalisation and integration of markets. Global economy and development. Electronic business (e- business). Mobile business (m-business).
    Economic, industrial and technological policy
    Economic policy. Industrial and technological policy. Innovation and technology management.
    Corporate development, consolidation, growth and entrepreneurship
    Development of new business lines. Business consolidation and growth. Entrepreneurship, creation and corporate constitution. Strategy business plan.

    This subject initially reviews the fundamental principles of accounting before focussing on the central aspects of cost control and management.The student will understand the role played by information in business organisations through the drawing-up and analysis of budgets. This is considered to be the key to effective managerial processes and strategic planning.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Analytical or Cost Accounting
    Branches in the field of accounting. Basic principles and applications of cost accounting. Breakeven analysis and cost-turnover-benefit analysis. Isocost technique.
    Accounting and management control
    Process costing methods. Job order costing methods. Activity-based costing methods.
    Corporate performance monitoring
    Annual budgeting. Monitoring and decision-making. Balanced scorecard. Responsibility centers and indicators.
    Areas of interest related to management accounting
    The role of cost administrator in an organization. Technology applied to cost control. Cost control techniques. Cost leadership strategy. Strategic cost management. Development of integrated cost accountancy systems. Inventory management, Just-In-Time and simplified costing methods. Common costing errors. Compensation costs.

    This subject highlights the main aspects that constitute the financial management area of any business entity.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    The company and corporate finance
    The financial function of a company. The financial objective of a company. Corporate financial structure. Finance and economic health of the company. Corporate finances and financial strength. Economic and financial trajectories. Financial management and financial statements. Financial management and normalization of financial and accounting conditions.
    Financial statements as analysis support
    Management relevance of economic and financial statements. Basic balance equation. Profit and loss account.
    Analysis performance management
    Analysis of operating profit (BAIT). BAT accounting. Net profit (NP). Integrated CPG analysis. Analysis of analytical CPG.
    Analysis of corporate operational profitability
    Operational profitability. Economic profit (EP).Policies derived from EP. Financial profit (FP). Policies derived from FP. Financial leverage factor.
    Analysis of the management of working capital
    The business operating cycle. Analysis of working capital turnover. Stock inventories. Minimum investment in working capital. Imbalances in stock management. Stock control systems.
    Analysis of operational liquidity
    Liquidity and financial strength. Analysis of corporate liquidity. Calculation of working capital requirements. Management of commercial credit provision to clients. Impact of commercial risk. Credit management of suppliers. Stock valuation.
    Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the financial structure
    Cost of capital structure.Methods for calculating the cost of equity. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Shareholder value creation.
    Analysis of investment decisions
    The decision to invest. Profile of an investment plan.Calculation of absorbed cash flow. Calculation of generated cash flow. Economic and financial attributes of an investment plan. Methods of economic assessment of an investment plan.
    Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of investment plans
    Net asset value (NAV) method.Internal rate of return (IRR) method. Comparative analysis of NAV and IRR. Pay-back period method. Calculation of financial cash flow. Economic risk factors in investments.

    This subject explains the role of marketing and sales in a company setting, introducing the concepts and techniques of marketing and commercial management. The student will be helped to understand the meaning, nature and scope of the marketing function.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Marketing and organization, policy, commercial management and direction
    Marketing concept and strategy. Commercial organization. Commercial policy (strategic marketing). Commercial management and direction (tactical and operational marketing).
    Commercial analysis and adaptation to market developments
    Commercial analysis (analysis, segmentation, buyer-customer behaviour, market research). Adaptation to changing markets.
    Commercial function
    Policy, management and direction of brands, products and/or services. Advertising and publicity: information and communication in marketing. Commercialisation and distribution of products and/or services.
    Techniques involved in Marketing, sales and commercial negotiation
    Marketing techniques. Sales and commercial negotiation techniques. Customer relationship management (CRM).
    e-Commerce and marketing
    Introduction to electronic commerce (e-commerce).Marketing: organisation of area for subsequent networked application (programming, customer approach, object and purpose, customer loyalty, e-marketing). Internet marketing techniques.
    International marketing
    International Trade, foreign markets and marketing policy. Global markets and international trade areas worldwide. Commercial and international strategy. Export strategy. International marketing plan.
    Sales action plan
    Planning, implementation and monitoring process of the marketing strategy. Design of marketing strategies. Sales plan (marketing and sales).



    This subject will enable students to establish a conceptual and methodological framework from which they will be able to identify the systemic and strategic approach employed by present-day Human Resource Management (HRM).

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Strategy and Management of Human Resources
    Description of the current strategic management of human resources. Identification of human resources management models that favor a systemic and strategic approach.
    HRM: Technology for diagnosis, prediction and monitoring.
    Design of technology for the diagnosis, prediction and monitoring of human resource management. Application of tools and techniques in the creation of HRM technology.
    Strategic planning in HR and staff optimisation.
    Interpretation of the integrated and systemic approach on which strategic planning of human resources is based. Workforce optimisation and determination of staffing requirements in the light of key tangible and intangible performance indicators.

    This subject will aid students in their understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of conflict, together with the most common conflict resolution strategies, including: Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Introduction to conflict analysis
    Theories about the origin and causes of conflicts. Types of conflict. Forms of expressing conflict. Sources or causes of conflict. Phases or stages of conflict. Consequences of conflict.
    Strategies or methods of conflict resolution
    Conflict management (conflict phases and the conflict curve). Introduction to conflict resolution strategies. Negotiation strategies. Mediation strategies (facilitation and consulting). Arbitration strategies.
    Competencies and skills for conflict resolution
    Emotional competencies necessary for conflict resolution. Personal competencies. Social competencies. Social skills. Commercial competencies. Skills of conflict resolution specialists.

    This subject emphasises the importance of invoking certain theoretical and methodological considerations so as to facilitate the integration of a competency-based management approach in HRM. Ongoing staff training is advocated as the only sustainable way of maintaining and developing these competencies, while performance appraisal is considered an essential part of a feedback process that assures the refreshing and updating of the afore-mentioned professional skills.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Competency-based performance management
    Origin of competencies. Definition of competencies. Empirical bases of performance management. Benefits of performance management. Possible obstacles involved in the implementation of performance management. Strategic approach. Performance management within Human Resource Management (HRM). Key organisational competencies and their shortcomings.
    Development of Professional Competencies
    The training process. The training cycle.Training practice. Career planning. Development of professional competencies. Learning organisations. Knowledge management.
    Competency-based performance appraisal
    Performance appraisal. Appraisal process.Rationale for performance appraisal. Performance appraisal systems. Competency-based per formance appraisal. Gaining competitive advantage through effective ta lent management.

    The overall aim of this subject is for the student to become fully acquainted with different leadership and management styles, being encouraged to focus on their interrelation, differences, significance and theoretical approaches, as well as on the competencies and skills necessary for their deployment.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Introduction to the importance of leadership and business management
    The main resource: the personnel. Management and social psychology. What is leadership? Definition, the functions of and differences between the figures of leader and manager. Business culture, values and processes for leading change. Importance of organisational leadership.
    Theoretical approaches to the study of management and leadership, and their evolution.Origins of leadership.
    The Industrial Revolution and the classical school of scientific management - authoritarian leader. Human relations school - democratic leader. Bureaucratic model - charismatic leader. The behaviourist theory - trait theory - leader with psychological qualities. Organisational development - group leader. Participatory management. Systemic approach to administration - contingency theories. Task-oriented leader and relationship-oriented leader. Strategic management - value change - competencies.
    Styles of leadership
    Definitions. Leadership style. Classical leadership styles. Other types of leadership. Contemporary models of leadership styles. Fundamental leadership principles for man management. Efficient leadership.
    Competencies and skills associated with the figures of leader and manager: techniques and tools.
    Competencies and skills of leader and manager. Analysis of the findings of a comparative study of leader and non-leader managers from the tourist industry in terms of performance. Valuing of personal characteristics. Tools and techniques for leadership.

    Students will become acquainted with the fundamental principles of the subject matter, thus enabling them to appreciate the importance and relevance of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, while being encouraged to consider them an efficient tool in the attainment of competitiveness. On completion of this subject, students will have gained a sound understanding of the concept and intrinsic relevance of ethics and social responsibility, in addition to becoming familiar with ethical standards and the role they play in corporate efficiency. The relationship between business ethics, values, competitiveness, efficiency and effectiveness will be studied so as to enable the student to be capable of determining lines of corporate action that favor an ethical and responsible approach.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Fundamental Principles of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
    Historical evolution of ethics. Universal nature of ethics. Influential thinkers in the field of ethics. Definition of ethics. Methods of study. Reasons for acting intelligently. Need to take into account the interests of others. Ethical performance, a corporate perspective. Ethical standards and business efficiency. Fundamental principles of business ethics. Life plan requirements. Ethics, legality and values. Shared values. Reasons for the growing interest in business ethics.
    The Need for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
    The concept of business and society. Predicament of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). The company as a system and integrated part of society. Business Ethics. Ethics and competitiveness. Corporate Social Responsibility, company priorities and mission. Sustainable company management. Responsibilities towards clients, employees and other stakeholders. Ethics training as a prerequisite for establishing a more secure business climate. Benefits derived from adherence to a firmly established code of ethics. Consequences of an inadequate use of ethics within organizations.
    The pivotal role of the human factor in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
    People as a source of income rather than expenditure. Evolution of human capital and intellectual capital. Business culture, motivation, sense of belonging, and leadership. Ethical variablesin the performance of a business community. Synthesis of organisational climate, communication and authority systems in the determining of ethical values. Business Ethics and current trends in management. Innovation, science and technology. Ethics and e- commerce.



    Following an introduction to the various connotations associated with the term “quality”, this subject will focus from a wider perspective on the certification process based on the ISO 9001 standard, from the moment Management commits to its implementation until the certificate is awarded. In addition, one full chapter is dedicated to software quality certification.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Quality Management
    Brief history of quality. Conceptualisation of quality according to various authors. Evolution of the notion of quality. Concept of quality. ISO 9000 standards. Quality guarantee. The eight principles of quality management. Project quality management. The seven tools of quality. Quality circles. Edwards Deming: a visionary in total quality management. Continuous quality improvement.
    Implementation of a quality system
    Project approach. Certification process. Scenario post ISO 9001 certification. Amendments to the new 2005 version of ISO 9000. Quick reference guide to the changes made to the 1994 version.
    Certification of quality in software
    Capability maturity model for software development(SW-CMM). Standard ISO/IEC 90003:2004. SPICE methodology (ISO 15540)
    List of quality certification bodies
  2. ISO 45001

    This subject presents the active model and the planning of the preventive activity as a basic and critical element of any management model for the prevention of occupational risks, instrumented in the ISO 45001:2018 standard, as well as the necessary documented information and audit requirements.

    Some of the topics addressed in the subject are the following:

    Background. The reactive system of action. Elements of success of the active system of action. Integration of preventive activity. How is the integration of occupational risk prevention achieved? What is a management system for occupational risk prevention? Types of management models. Management responsibilities.
    Introduction. Definition of preventive planning. Planning by objectives and rules of procedure. Aspects of the planning of preventive activities. General planning procedure.
    ISO 45001:2018 STANDARD
    Introduction. Background of the ISO 45001:2018 standard. High-level structure: Annex SL. Main changes of ISO 45001:2018 with respect to OHSAS 18001:2007. Priorities in the implementation. Certification of the OSH management system according to the ISO 45001:2018 standard. Transition of the specification to the ISO 45001: 2018 standard.
    Introduction. Object and field of application. Normative references. Terms and definitions. Context of the organization. Leadership and participation of workers. Planning. Support. Operation. Performance evaluation.
    Introduction. Level I: Occupational safety and health management manual. Level II: procedures. Level III: instructions. Level IV: records. Control of documentation.
    General concepts about prevention audits. Principles of audit. Objectives of prevention audits. Types of audits in prevention of occupational risks. The audit process. Evaluation of the occupational risk prevention audit. Necessary requirements to carry out an audit of occupational risk prevention.

    This subject presents Environmental Management Systems (EMS) as tools that organise and regularise corporate procedures related to environmental issues associated with company activity. Furthermore, the student will receive a clear and illustrative explanation as to the steps necessary for successful implementation of this environmental management instrument, which favours the protection of the environment and reduces the barriers involved in international trade.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Business and the environment. Environmental protection measures:
    reduction in the consumption of energy, water and raw materials, adequate waste management, sewage treatment, smoke and noise, ACV, compliance with the legal obligations implicit in practices affecting the environment, implementation of an EMS in the company. Normalising environmental practices.
    Corporate environmental management systems
    Definition of an EMS. Function of EMS and reason for implementation. Who can implement an ESM? Interested parties in an EMS. Approach to EMS implementation. Choice of EMS. Global review of the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard.
    Standard ISO 14001
    The ISO 14000 series of standards. Structure of the ISO 14001 standard. Definitions. Objectives and scope of ISO 14001: requirements, decision and initial commitment, initial environmental review, environmental policy, planning, implementation and operation, verification. Review by Management. Certification of EMS in accordance with ISO 14001. Total quality and environmental management.
    Case study: a didactic study of implementation
    Precedents: case of RICOTE, S.A. Problem statement. Stage 1: environmental commitment. Stage 2: initial review. Stage 3: RICOTE, S.A. draws up its environmental policy. Planning of Environmental Management System. Drafting of manual: procedures. Checking and corrective action. Auditing.

    This subject familiarises the student with practices involved in the management of operations and logistics, including strategic aspects related to long-term decision-making like product design and definition (What can we offer?) and process design and analysis (How can we achieve this?), as well as short- and mid-term tactical and operational planning decisions (How many? How? Where should we offer the product?). Emphasis is laid on the importance played by logistic support in the execution of a viable plan. In this sense, logistics is approached as the most efficient means of meeting requirements at the lowest feasible cost.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Production System Design
    Forecasts. Production Planning and Control. Synchronised Production Systems.
    Supply Chain Management
    Logistics system management. The supply chain. Importance of logistics and the supply chain. Logistics costs. Logistics as a service. Global supply and distribution chains. Strategic role of logistics and the supply chain. Logistics and the supply chain in the generation of value. Strategies in logistics and supply chain management. Logistics and supply chain planning. Areas of logistics planning.
    Purchasing and Supply Management Function
    Objectives and relevance of the purchasing function and its interaction with the rest of the company. Strategic Planning in the purchasing function. Analytical model of purchasing processes.

    This subject will enable the student to understand and contextualise logistics within the area of operational organisations and thus successfully manage product acquisition, movement and storage, in addition to mastering inventory control.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Conceptual framework of logistics. Logistics systems management
    The supply chain. Planning.
    Inventory Management.
    Definition and types of inventory. Performance measurement of inventory systems. Inventory costs. Inventory distribution by value. Inventory Systems.
    Warehouse Management
    Overview of warehouse management. Criteria. Packaging.
    Objectives of the purchasing function. Procurement strategic planning. Analytical models.



    This subject focuses on the strategic thinking applied to management and provides training on tools and mechanics that make contemporary management easier, accepting change management as consubstantial to unstable and changeable environments where organizations perform their activity.

    Some topics dealt with in this subject are:

    Personal and organizational change. Some models to implement an organizational change. Resistance to change. Participating in the process of strategic change.
    Strategic thinking and management. Presentation of a strategic planning model internationally validated. SWOT matrix as a valuable instrument of strategic planning.
    Strategic scenarios. The vision. Analysis of the value system that will support the strategy. Development of business strategies. Objectives and measurement criteria. New business. Growth. Consolidation. Revitalization.

    This subject adopts an operational approach and focusses on the tools necessary for the drawing-up of an operational plan based on the devising of a strategic plan.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Project Planning and Scheduling
    PMBOK approach to project planning and management. Project Planning according to the International Project Management Association.
    Problem Formulation and Solving: Definition of the mission, objectives and scope of the project.
    Establishment of mission. Project objectives. Project scope.
    Time estimation in project management
    Activity definition. Graphical representation of the project. Activity time estimations. Project programme calculation. Responsibility assignment matrix. Restructuring of tasks and resources. Planning with resource constraints. Resource allocation and levelling with limited resources.
    Project cost estimation
    Definitions and types of costs. Project cost estimation. Project budget preparation.
    Acquisition planning
    Data for acquisition planning. Tools and techniques in acquisition planning. Results of acquisition planning. Tender planning.
    Project notebook
    Project plan signing. Plan change management.

    This subject will present the organizational role played by ICT, analyzing its strategic repositioning within the area of organizational re-engineering and its strategic use as a corporate resource.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Information Systems (IS) in Organisations.
    Information Systems (functions, components and types). IS in organisations (role and classification). IS for management. ICT impact on company design.
    STI Strategy
    Strategic STI Management and Planning. Analytical tools (Critical success factors, Technological maturity of the organisation, Organisational change, Costs and Benefits of Change, Performance appraisal of strategy implementation).
    STI Management
    Functional IS Management. Alternative development strategies.Organisational models for IS.
    Concept. Management and Re-engineering. Applications. Success stories.

    This subject will help students to contextualise the management of cultural and technological change by providing them with information about the fundamental principles and premises involved in the move towards the Information and Knowledge Society. The corresponding organisational effects on business administration will also be considered.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Organizational approach to integration: supplies, clients and systems. 
    Fundamental principles. Value chain. Case study of Supply Chain Integration.
    Technological approach to integration: conceptual aspects of e-business integration
    Importance of e-business. Organizational change. Company strategy. e-Business: implementation.
    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
    Conceptual aspects. Integration in information management. Integration of ERP systems. Supplier selection. Strategic impact on investment return.
    Human resource management in the digital era
    Change within a corporate environment.Human resource management. Technology in human resource management.
    Supply Chain Management (SCM)
    The supply chain. Definition. Supply Chain Management. Implementation of SCM in e-business.
    Conceptualaspects.Strategy. Implementation. Supplier selection. Integration.



    This subject will help students to contextualise the management of cultural and technological change by providing them with information about the fundamental principles and premises involved in the move towards the Information and Knowledge Society. The corresponding organisational effects on business administration will also be considered.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Analysis of the current situation: global change
    Move towards the Information Society. Drivers of current change: globalisation - technology - information. Impacts of global change.
    Organizational adaptation to change: management of cultural and technological change
    Innovation as a means of adaptation. Innovative cultures and organizations. Organization from an information perspective.
    From the network society to the knowledge society
    Fundamental principles, indicators and characteristics of the current network economy. Towards the knowledge-based economy. Impact of knowledge management practices on organizations.
    Towards open administration
    Fundamental notions of the information society. The State vis-à-vis the Information Society. Open administration: information and communication technologies in administrative processes. Synthesis: towards a sustainable information society.

    This subject presents the methodologies, tools and techniques inherent in knowledge management and explains the way in which a sustainable strategy for organizational learning may be achieved through the application of knowledge management maturity models.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Knowledge: organizational nature and value
    The organization and knowledge. The nature of knowledge. Knowledge spirals. The mediation of knowledge (Intellectual Capital and the Intellectual Model).
    Knowledge Management
    Information Technologies. Mission of Knowledge Management.Objectives of Knowledge Management.
    Tools for Knowledge Management
    Main features of the tools from a knowledge standpoint (storage, distribution, modification). Tool classification in terms of knowledge management processes (document management, workflow, corporate portals and knowledge networks, e-learning, collaborative working, business intelligence).
    Knowledge Management and learning maturity
    From data analysis to organizational learning (knowledge, knowledge and organizations, models of organizational mediation, knowledge management within organizations). Maturity models.
    Towards new paradigms for teaching and research: e-learning
    Towards a new model of teaching and learning. Basic notions about the knowledge society.

    This subject familiarises the student with both the conceptual bases and technological aspects of electronic commerce, advocating the implementation of an integration framework that involves all stakeholders (administration, company and customers).

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Introduction to Electronic Commerce, e-business and business positioning in Internet.
    Electronic commerce: the first step towards e-business. Internet as a platform for electronic commerce. Stakeholders and types of electronic commerce (public administration, businesses and consumers): Business to Business, Business to Consumer, Business to Government, Consumer to Consumer, Consumer to Government, Government to Government. Types of e-commerce businesses. Differences between e-commerce and the traditional marketplace.
    Information technologies in Electronic Commerce.
    Communications and Networks. Mobile Communications (WAP and UMTS). Description of web-based programming languages. Financial Services in Internet.
    Study of Electronic Commerce Systems
    Electronic Commerce in the sphere of Public Administration. Electronic Commerce in the Company context. Electronic Commerce and the Consumer. Electronic payment technologies.
    Online marketing and publicity techniques
    Online marketing techniques. Design of publicity and promotional campaigns. Types of online marketing.
    Implementation methodology for an e-commerce project
    Implementation methodology.Determination of Strategy. Information System design. Technological Platform design. System development and implementation.

    This subject enables students to become familiar with the intercorporate relations inherent to the world scenario of international commerce. The network of nations, institutions and information flows will also be analyzed.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    International bodies
    Current world scenario (organisations and international relations).Globalisation (concept, economic globalisation). International bodies. Integration processes.
    Businesses and the global environment
     Information, communication and globalisation.
    Digital literacy.
    Regulation of the global network. New Businesses: growth, consolidation, revitalization.



    This subject seeks to familiarise students with the scientific context of research, and the field's conceptual considerations and methodological requirements. The different stages intrinsic to a process of research will be examined, thereby favouring the development of the skills and abilities involved in the methodological design of the Master's Degree Dissertation and in the writing of the research report.

    Aspects which are addressed within this subject include:

    Epistemological aspects of scientific research.
    What is epistemology? What is a paradigm?Knowledge and science. Positive-empirical approach. Hermeneutic or interpretive approach. Poiesis and praxis: key elements to the understanding of paradigms.
    Scientific research process
    Steps in scientific research. Initiating a research project.Project starting point. Choice of research topic. Problem formulation. Formulating research questions. Hypothesis formation. Research justification. Titling of research.
    Construction of the theoretical research framework.
    Definition of theoretical framework.Review of related literature: documentation and information gathering. Search sources: primary, secondary and tertiary. Search location: virtual and/or physical. In-depth literature consultation: selection criteria. Reading of academic texts: strategies for reading and understanding written texts. Reproducing/understanding a text in the right measure. Practical advice for the reading of academic texts. Research data recording procedures. Writing of research framework: guidelines.
    Design of research strategy
    Determination of type of research design. Classification variables. Operational definition of variable. Sampling methods. Tools and techniques for gathering data. Participant observation. Nominal group. DELPHI technique. In-depth inter view. Group discussion. Life history. Data analysis procedures. Qualitative data analysis. Content analysis. Discourse analysis.
    Parts of a written research report. Presentational aspects in scientific research studies. Composition of written texts: the writing process. Textual issues. Basic text properties. International styles of bibliographical referencing. General rules for in-text citation. Bibliographical referencing at the end of the research study. Criteria for self- assessment of a research report.

    Although this module occupies the last place in the Programme Overview, work on the Master's Degree Dissertation will commence on completion and favourable assessment of the subjects that precede it on the learning schedule (after completion of approximately 66%), as detailed in the Programme's Virtual Campus. These subjects include Research Methods, which will prove essential for the successful writing of the Dissertation.

    The procedural information for the Dissertation is contained in the Dissertation Guidelines, available from the Virtual Campus. The guidelines are divided into three parts, with their corresponding phases, and constitute the guide the student should follow to achieve satisfactory completion of the Dissertation.

    During this whole process, the student will receive support from academic staff and will be assigned a Dissertation Supervisor who is an expert in the field of study.

Note: The contents of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications, depending on the updates or the improvements made.


European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO)

  • Dr. Rubén Calderón Iglesias
    Doctor in Economics from Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain. Chancellor of the European University of the Atlantic.

Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER)

  • Dra. Silvia Aparicio.
    Doctora en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Licenciada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad de Cantabria. Directora Académica Internacional del Área de Desarrollo Directivo, Organización Empresarial y Recursos Humanos de la Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco
    Doctorate candidate in Education from the International Ibero-american University. Master’s in Occupational and Organizational Psychology from the University of Havana, Cuba. International Academic Coordinator of the Management Development, Business Organisation and Human Resources, FUNIBER.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. David Barrera Gómez. Doctor in Engineering from the Politécnica University of Catalonia (UPC). MBA from the University College of Industrial Engineering (UPC), Barcelona. Consultant specializing in business, technology and corporate solutions. Lecturer at the Ibero-American International University.
  • Dr. Roberto M. Álvarez. Doctor in Project Engineering from the Politécnica University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain. Master in Project Management and Design from the Politecnico University, Milan, Italy. Lecturer at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lecturer at the Ibero-American International University.
  • Dr. Sergio Balarezzo Saldaña. Chancellor for Research, University of Piura, Peru.
  • Dr. Francisco J. Hidalgo Trujillo. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communications from the Politécnica University of Catalonia. Business consultant. Strategic process and business development analyst.
  • Dr. Manuel Maeda Takeuchi. Lecturer in Engineering and Business Administration Programmers, University of Piura, Peru. Management Experience in Administration, Corporate Projects, Operational Administration, and Administration and Finance.
  • Dr. Cristina Hidalgo González. Doctor in Business Administration from the University of León. Professor of Applied Economics at the University of León.
  • Dr. Olga Capó Iturrieta. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communications from the Politécnica University of Catalonia. Director of Projects at the Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA), Chile.
  • Dr. Eduardo García Villena. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communications from the Politécnica University of Catalonia. Academic Director of the Department of Environment at the Ibero-American International University.
  • Dr. Rubén Calderón Iglesias. Doctor in Economics from Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain. Lecturer at the Ibero-American International University.
  • Dr. Salvador Rus Rufino. Doctor in Philosophy from the University of Navarra. Doctor in History from the University of León. Professor holding the Chair in Family Business at the University of Léon.
  • Dr. (in process) Saúl Domingo Soriano. Doctorate candidate at the University of León.Master in Business Management from the Catalan Institute of Technology, Barcelona. Master in e-Business Information Technologies and Consulting from the University of Las Palma s de Gran Canaria, Spain. Director of Master's Degree Disser tation and Specialisations, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. (in process) Diego J. Kurtz. Doctorate candidate in Information Engineering and Management from PPGEGC - UFSC. Master in International Business - Wiesbaden Business School, Germany. Researcher in Core Management for Sustainability and Junior Researcher in the Dynamic SME Project. Programme Coordinator and Lecturer, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. Julién Brito Ballester.  Doctor in Education from the Iberoamerican International University. Master’s Degree in Labor and Organizational Psychology, University of La Havana, Cuba. Master's Degree in Human Resources Management from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Master's Degree in Systemic Coaching from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. International Consultant and Expert in Human Resources Management, Training, Development and Professional Skills.
  • Dr. (in process) Andrea Gutiérrez Jiménez.  Doctorate candidate in Project Management, Ibero-American International University. Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management from the University of León, Spain. Programme Coordinator and Lecturer, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco. Doctor in Education from the International Iberoamerican University, Master in Occupational and Organizational Psychology from the University of Havana, and Bachelor in Psychology from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Academic Coordinator and Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dr. (in process) Daniela Torrico Villarroel.  Doctorate candidate in Project Management (Marketing research), Ibero- American International University. Master in Business Administration from La Salle. Master in Marketing and Commercial Distribution from the Politécnica University of Catalonia. Programme Coordinator and Lecturer, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. (in process) Lina Pulgarín Osorio. . Doctorate candidate in Project Management, Ibero- American International University. Master in Integrated Management: Prevention, Environment and Quality from the Politécnica University of Catalonia. Programme Coordinator and Lecturer, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. (in process) María Eugenia Luna Borgaro. Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management from the University of León, Spain. Expert in Human Resource Management and Management Skills. Lecturer, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. (in process) María Fernanda Figueroa. Doctorate candidate in Project Management, Ibero- American International University. Master in Strategic Sport Management (Marketing, Finances and Taxation Management in Sport Entities) from Universitat de Barcelona. Programme Coordinator and tutor, FUNIBER.
  • Mr. Antonio Vega. Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and Direction from ESADE Business School. Master in Human Resource Management and Corporate Consultancy from the University of Barcelona. Coach and consultant in Strategic Planning, Leadership and Organizational Development. President of the Humaniza Foundation.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.