Master in Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Program Presentation

The Master in Conflict Resolution and Mediation is part of the area on the studies in conflicts. It offers participants an updated perspective of the theoretical knowledge about the conflict, skills and abilities developed in the various techniques of judgment / conflict transformation / disputes.

Through the pedagogical articulation of the theoretical fundamentals and discussion of case studies, within a space of interaction encouraged by professors and the use of a Virtual Campus, a person culminating a Masters in Conflict Resolution and Mediation will be qualified to:

  • Understand and master the most appropriate techniques for the resolution/transformation of conflicts/disputes in different areas.
  • Understand and manage the latest techniques in resolving online disputes.
The Master program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation is approved by the Mediation Center of Private Law of the “Generalitat de Catalunya” (Government of Catalonia) in accordance with Act 15/2009 of mediation in the field of private law.

Who is the programme for?

The Master's Degree in Mediation and Conflict Resolution is intended for professionals, consultants, advisers, teachers and researchers that in the course of their professional activity may face conflict situations at different levels, behaviors and contexts (educational, household, communal, organizational, penal, international).


The successful completion of the Program will allow the student to obtain the degree of MASTER IN MEDIATION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION, issued by the University where he or she has registered. 

By itself, the Master's Degree in Mediation and Conflict Resolution does not enable to engage in mediation, so that people interested in exercising as such, should consult the laws of their particular country regarding the field of mediation. The regulatory framework of family mediation in Spain, in which the requirements are given to engage in mediation, including the accreditation of specific training programs in mediation and registrations in the Register of Mediators is made up of the following laws:

General Legislation

Amendments of the Senate - 26 June 2012- Series A. No. 6-10. 121/000005 Through a message on the Bill of mediation in civil and commercial matters Act (from the Royal Decree-act 5/2012, 5 March).

Bill of Royal Decree which develops the Act of Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters in the field of Education, Registration and Insurance of the Professional Responsibility of Mediators -13 November 2012.

Autonomous Legislation

LAct 1/2001, of March 15, for Family Mediation of Catalonia (BOE) no. 91). 
Decret 139/2002, 14 May , de maig, pel qual s'aprova el Reglament de la Llei 1/2001, de 15 de març, de mediació familiar de Catalunya. 
Act 15/2009, of July 22, of mediation in the field of private law . (BOE) no. 198 of August 17, 2009)

Act 4/2001 dated May 31, regulating family mediation (B. O. E. no. 157 of 2 July 2001).

Act 7 /2001, dated November 26 DOGV No. 4138, of 29 November 2001 (BOE no. 303 of December 19 2001).

The Canary Islands.
Act 3/2005, dated June 23, for the modification of Act 15/2003, of April 8, for family mediation (BOE no. 134 of 5 June 2003).

Castilla-La Mancha.
Act 1/2006, dated April 6, of family mediation in Castile and Leon. (BOE No. 105 of 3 May 2006).

Castile and Leon. 
Act 1/2006, dated April 6, of family mediation in Castile and Leon. (BOE No. 105 of 3 May 2006).

The Balearic Islands. 
Act 18/2006, dated November 22, of family mediation in the Balearic Islands Autonomous Community (BOE no. 303 of 20 December 2006 and BOID no. 170, 30 November 2006). 
Act 14 /2010, dated December 9, family mediation in the Balearic Islands (BOE no. 16 January 19 2011).

Act 1/2007, dated February 21, family mediation in the Community of Madrid (BOE no. 153 of 27 June 2007 and BOCM no. 54 of 5 March 2007)

Act 3/2007, dated March 23, for family mediation in Asturias (BOPA no. 81 of 9 April 2007)

Basque Country.
Act 1/2008, dated February 8, for family mediation in the Basque Country (BOPV no. 34 of 18 February 2008)

The Canary Islands
Act 15/2003, dated April 8, for family mediation (BOE no. 134 Of 5 June 2003 and BOC no. 85 of 6 may 2003). 
Act 3/2005, dated June 23, for the modification of the Law 15/2003, of April 8, for Family Mediation (BOE no. 177 of 26 July 2005 and BOC no. 130 of 5 July 2005).

Act 1/2009, dated February 27, for regulating family mediation in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (BOE no. 80 of April 2 2009 and BOJA no. 50 of 13 March 2009). 
Decree 37/2012, dated February 21, which approves the Regulation for the Development of Act 1/2009, February 27, regulating family mediation in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (BOJA no. 46 of 7 March 2012).

Act 9/2011, of March 24, for the Family Mediation of Aragon (BOA no. 70 April 7 2011).

Act 1/2011, of March 28, mediation for the Autonomous Community of Cantabria (BOC no. 66 of 5 April 2011).

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master in Mediation and Conflict Resolution program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

1st Part: Conflict Theory and Analysis 12
2nd Part: Conflict Resolution and Transformation Processes 9
3rd Part: Mediation 10
4th Part: Other Conflict Resolution and Transformation Processes 22
5th Part: Conflict Resolution and Transformation Skills 14
6th Part: Practicum and Final Master’s Project or Thesis 23

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The Master in Mediation and Conflict Resolution has 90 credits.
The duration of the Master in Mediation and Conflict Resolution varies between 12 and 24 months, depending on the student's dedication. In this period of time, the student must have successfully passed all the evaluated activities and approved the Final Project.


General Objective

  • Train professionals possessing a general knowledge of the theory of conflict, of the skills and techniques required to deal constructively with conflict and the various areas in which dispute resolution procedures have been further developed, all with the support of new information and communication technologies.

Specific Objectives

  • Develop conflict/dispute resolution/transformation skills in the different fields in which they manifest.
  • Develop skills of conflict/dispute resolution/transformation in the different social environs in which they may manifest.
  • Train in mediation skills and techniques.
  • Be capable of intervening in different areas (school, family, community, organizational, health, etc.).
  • Enable to develop and design projects and Conflict Resolution Systems for organizations.
  • Develop capacities for online dispute resolutions (arbitration, mediation, facilitation).
  • Participate in the Conflict Resolution on a specific context.

Career Opportunities

Some Career Opportunities for the Master in Mediation and Conflict Resolution, among others, are:

  • Human Resources, Organization and Communication Departments.
  • Businessment and managers of SMEs and big companies.
  • Professionals in the area of selection, recruitment and training of staff.
  • Centers specializing in conflict resolution from different areas (sanitary, educational.

Study Plan

The Master in Mediation and Conflict Resolution has a curricular structure based on 6 formative parts:


The first part presents an introduction to the theory of conflict, a brief history of Conflict Sciences and what its resolution is. Study the different typologies of conflicts. Analyze the biological bases of emotion. Undertake the communication process, its legal aspects, diverse models and its participants.

The subjects and corresponding credits that make up the program are shown in the following table:

1 Conflict Theory. Concept and Analysis of Conflict 3,5
2 Pedagogical Approaches to Conflict Analysis 3,5
3 Emotions and Conflict 2
4 Communication and Conflict 3

The second part consists of an introduction to the analysis of conflicts, strategies and methods to solve them, and the basic skills and abilities for their resolution. Negotiation, its definitions and stages are studied, as well as theories, styles, stages, techniques and skills to negotiate.

The subjects and corresponding credits that make up the program are shown in the following table:

1 Conflict Resolution/Transformation Processes 6
2 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Techniques 3

The third part presents the features and functions of the Mediator and their role in conflict resolution. The concept of Mediation is studied, its theories, advantages and weaknesses. A comparative analysis of national and international legislation of different countries in relation to the resolution of conflicts is presented..

The subjects and corresponding credits that make up the program are shown in the following table:

1 Mediation: Definitions and Principles. The Mediator: Role and Functions 3
2 Mediation Practice: Techniques and Strategies 3
3 National and International Legislation on Mediation and Other Conflict Resolution Processes 4

The fourth part allows to study the characteristics and particularities of conflict resolution and transformation in the educational, household, communal, organizational, penal, international, and Online environs.

The subjects and corresponding credits that make up the program are shown in the following table:

1 Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Schools 3
2 Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Family 3
3 Resolution/Transformation of Conflicts in the Community 3
4 Resolution/Transformation of Conflict in the Organization. 3
5 Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Corrections 3
6 Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Health Field 2
7 International Conflict Resolution/Transformation 3
8 Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) 2

The fifth part presents the features and basic principles of management and leadership, as well as its most important models. The theoretical and practical elements of groups and work teams are studied, their characteristics as well as techniques and tools for their effective management. Capabilities to improve meetings and prepare professional public presentations are developed. Knowledge to deal with the situations of stress and burnout is provided.

The subjects and corresponding credits that make up the program are shown in the following table:

1 Organizational Management and Leadership Techniques 3
2 Management Techniques for Work Teams 3
3 Time Management and Conducting Meetings 3
4 Public Speaking Techniques 2
5 Stress and Burnout 3

These subjects, despite being independent, are self-contained and structured according to a coherent pedagogical order. Each is divided into chapters, or basic thematic units, whose content includes printed material that should be considered to successfully answer the various evaluation activities.


The Practicum, intended for 80 hours, will help students demonstrate, in the area that choose the skills learned during the course for conflict resolution/transformation. The Final Master’s Project or Thesis, whose workload is 150 hours, aims to present a comprehensive document that shows the total development of the proposed project, as well as contemplating the possibility of its concrete implementation.

1 Practicum and Final Master’s Project or Thesis 23

Description of the Subjects



    Introduces the basic theoretical pillars of the conflict resolution discipline. It aims for the student to acquire a different conception of conflict and its escalating and deescalating dynamics, and to develop their capacities to analyze conflicts in-depth before intervening.

  2. Psychological Approaches to Conflict Analysis

    The overall view of conflict. The structure of conflict. The psychology of conflict. Main theories of conflict: Weber and Coser, Adam Curie, John Burton, Johan Galtung, Morton Deutsch and J. P. Lederach. The parameter of interpersonal conflicts. The dynamics of conflict. Identity and conflict. The cycle of conflict. Levels of conflict. Escalating and deescalating conflict. The psychodynamic perspective. The theory of field and the concept of the environment. The cognitive approach. Games, dilemmas and conflicts. The theory of the expected benefits. The psychology of negotiation and mediation. Traditional behavior paradigm. Study of individual attributes. Study of situational characteristics.

  3. Emotions and Conflict

    Emotions and conflict. The value of emotion. The positive expression of emotion. Emotions, conflict and interpersonal relations. Models for the emotional management of interpersonal relations. Affective styles. Styles of behavior before conflict. Interaction of emotions, conflicts and interpersonal relations. Models for the emotional management of interpersonal relations. Specialized entities in mediation and conflict resolution.

  4. Communication and Conflict

    Conflict as a system and communication process. Types, levels and styles of conflict related to communication styles. Strategies and techniques for the assessment of the communication level of conflicts. The conflict settlement process from the perspective of communication. Effective communication skills for conflict management. Non-verbal communication. Communication barriers. Reflective listening. Types of questions. Restructuring. Non-defensive answers. Feedback. Assertiveness.


  1. Conflict Resolution/Transformation Processes

    Coaching and counseling in conflict resolution. Description of the counseling models. Advice on coping with conflict. Transformative advice for conflict resolution. Narrative advice in conflict resolution. Large group interventions. Open space technology. Meeting of citizens in the 21st century. Phases of the meeting of citizens. Readings on several conflict resolution processes.

  2. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Techniques

    Strategies or methods to resolve conflicts. Conflict management. Negotiation strategies. Social styles of negotiation. Mediation strategy (facilitation and consultation). Arbitrage strategy. Competencies, skills and abilities to resolve conflicts. Emotional, personal and social competencies for resolving conflicts. Skills of the specialists in conflict resolution. Cognitive competencies. Problems and difficulties in negotiation.



    The subject aims to clarify the concept of mediation and the mediator’s role from a perspective that enables them to be differentiated from related methods.

    Conflict and Mediation. Mediation concepts. Mediation principles. Volunteering. Impartiality, Neutrality, Confidentiality. Professionalism.
    Role and functions. The mediator as responsible for the process. The mediator as a facilitator for communication. The mediator as a promoter of negotiation.
    Pre-mediation. The setting for mediation. Definition of conflict. Alternative definition of conflict. Creating options. Negotiating. Commitments and agreements.
  2. Meditation Practice: Techniques and Strategies.

    The context of meditation. The mediation process. Setting: the creation of a co-operative context. Model, method, and mediation techniques. Places of conflict. The transformation of conflict. The model of change. The unlocking point. General techniques of mediation. Techniques for addressing different interactions of conflict. Techniques for addressing different types of conflicts. Techniques for addressing different moments of the mediation process. Creation of options and alternatives. Construction and drafting of agreements. Ethics of mediation. Mediation, accompaniment and respect.

  3. National and International Legislation on Mediation and Other Conflict Resolution Processes

    Normative framework of mediation and other conflict resolution procedures in Spain, with reference to the guidelines of the E. Union. Justice, jurisdiction and ADR. Mediation: concept and legal effects. Updating the legislation in the field of mediation at the regional level. The policy framework of the ADR or MASC, with special reference to mediation in the United States, Canada and Latin America.


  1. Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Schools

    Coexistence and conflict in the school environment. Types of conflicts and problems of coexistence in the school environment. Education within conflict resolution. Education programs on conflict resolution. The global model of school life. School coexistence program: action phases. Conflict resolution curriculum for primary and secondary education. Other processes of conflict resolution in the school. Informal mediation. Specific protocols for conflict resolution. Positive discipline. The models of punitive discipline. Types of consequences of an educational nature. School life plan.

  2. Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Family

    Evolution of family mediation. Conceptualization of family mediation. Accessibility to the mediation process. Intervention in a public service of family mediation: characteristics, objectives and conflicts. Objectives of a family mediation service model. Typology of family conflicts. Classification according to the family relationship and the type of conflict that occurs. The process of family mediation: models, phases and characteristics. Techniques for progressing in the process of mediation. Key players in family mediation. Practical application of mediation techniques to family conflicts. Application of techniques in complex family situations. Description of an intervention model in family mediation. Benefits and consequences of family intervention

  3. Resolution/Transformation of Conflict in the Community

    Importance of community mediation. Aspirations and purposes of mediation in the social and/or community environment. Community mediation and the culture of peace. New contexts of community mediation. Practice of community mediation. Models of community mediation. The process of community mediation. Profile and commitment of the community mediator. From multiculturalism to interculturality. The legal aspect of multiculturalism. Human rights and interculturality: the human right to cultural diversity and access to justice. Migrants: the vulnerability situation of migrants and migration policies. Public conflict. Community and public conflict. Conceptual points with which we work in conflict situations.

  4. Resolution/Transformation of Conflict in the Organization

    Conflict in organizations. The transformation of organizational conflict. Organizational conflicts and their typologies. Resolution strategies and/or transformation of the organizational conflict. Models of organizational approach to conflict. Negotiation as a tool of intervention in organizations. Mediation to manage and/or resolve conflict in organizations. Organizational conflict prevention. Management of conflict through the mediator’s intervention. How to design and improve systems and strategies for dealing with conflicts. Evaluation of styles for the management/resolution of conflict. The approach of positive management toward conflict. Performance optimization through the stimulation of conflict. Power and conflict in organizations. Emotional aspects of organizational conflict.

  5. Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Corrections

    Restorative justice: new paradigm for social transformation. Compensatory Justice vs. Restorative Justice. Procedures for the resolution of conflicts in jail. Specific issues of mediation in a penitentiary. Phases of the mediation procedure in a penitentiary. The tools of restorative justice. Practical scope of restorative tools before or after enforcing the penalty. Response models for juvenile offenders. Methodological aspects essential in mediation with minors. The objectives of programs with juvenile offenders. Processes of mediation in the presentational phase and implementation measure. The process of accountability. The victim before the process

  6. Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Health Field

    Psychosocial analysis of healthcare provision and its employees. Healthcare: multiplicity of actors. The complex nature of healthcare provision. The medical act. Theory and practice of mediation and negotiation in conflicts created in the area of healthcare. Conflict in healthcare. Causes of healthcare conflict. The adverse act. Mechanisms of healthcare conflict resolution. Negotiation in the healthcare field. Mediation in the healthcare field. Characteristics of mediation in healthcare. Advantages of mediation in the healthcare field. The mediator in the healthcare field.

  7. International Conflict Resolution/Transformation

    International conflicts: its historical evolution. Basic elements of international conflicts. Interpretation of conflicts according to the theories of international relations. Historical evolution of international armed conflicts. The theory of games (game theory) as a tool of conflict analysis. The basics of conflicts. Dilemmas. Models and methods for intervention and mediation in international conflicts. Research into building peace and non-violence

  8. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

    Defining the ODR framework. New communication and conflict resolution technologies. History of online dispute resolution. Conditions for the ODR. Basic tools for the ODR. Characteristics of the ODR. Processes and techniques of ODR. Online negotiation and mediation. The human factor in ODR. Culture and ODR. Advantages and disadvantages of ODR.



    The general object of this subject is to understand and dive deeper into management and leadership styles, their relationship, differences, importance and theoretical approaches, as well as the necessary competences and skills needed to exercise them.

    Introduction. The main human resource: people. Administration and social psychology. What is leadership? Definition, differences and functions of the leader and the executive. Corporate culture, values and processes of change. The importance of organizational leadership.
    Introduction. Leadership prehistory. Industrial revolution, the classical school of the scientific organization- authoritarian leader. School of Human Relations - democratic leader. Bureaucratic model - charismatic leader. The behaviorist theory -theory features- psychological qualities leader. The organizational development - group leader. Participative administration. Administration’s systemic school - contingency theories. Task or relationship-oriented leader. Strategic management -changes in values- competencies.
    Introduction. Definitions. Leadership style. Types of classic leadership styles. Other types of leadership. Models of contemporary leadership styles. Essential principles of the leaders in managing men. Efficient leadership.

    This subject provides the theoretical and practical elements on groups and teams, their characteristics, techniques and tools for their effective management.

    Introduction. General considerations. Team creation. Diversity of the types of groups. Differences between groups and teams. High performance systems and participatory management. Team rules. Management skills for teamwork. The legitimization of perceptions. Rules of teamwork. The consensus. Three key elements to teamwork. Characteristics of effective teams. Most frequent errors when managing teams. Managing conflicts.
    Introduction. Interaction between individual and collective interests. Personal self-realization within teams. Leadership and self-managing teams. Practice exercise The 7 habits of leadership. The eighth habit of leadership. The emotional intelligence in the team. Are you an assertive person? Sociometric networks, the sociogram. Group assessment test. Psychodrama. Meetings and teamwork sessions. Interaction method. Delegation, autonomy and independence. Management by objectives and results.
    1. Introduction. Empowerment. Considerations in line with decision-making. Factors on which the decision-making process depends. Techniques for generating ideas. Techniques focused on reaching consensus. Techniques focused on organizing ideas. Creativity. Mental block in creativity.

    Learning how to optimize team meetings through good preparation and execution, and the skills for managing the team. Also provides the criteria and techniques for managing time within the framework of the managerial function.


    Develops the participant’s capacity to prepare and deliver professional presentations to achieve the desired influence over the audience.


    The subject shows how to manage stress and burnout situations within a business organization, providing the student with the necessary theoretical-practical knowledge.



The Practicum will be a demonstration of all the student’s skills learned during the conflict resolution/transformation course and carried out within an environment similar to the student’s area of study.

The Practicum consists of a set of internships related to managing conflicts that the student must perform individually in centers or institutions, whether they be private or public.

The Thesis must be a contribution to the field of Conflict Resolution and/or Mediation, applying the diverse knowledge acquired during the course.

Its contents shall conform to the regulations defined for these purposes.

The Final Project or Thesis can be started in parallel to the study of the Program subjects, according to the student’s convenience and availability.

However, it is advisable to devote approximately the last semester of the Master's Degree for its development and final drafting.

The general methodology presented enables the student to accumulate, enough works to quickly develop the Thesis, which, in turn, will be subjected to the necessary partial corrections before its final submission.

The work will be supervised by a professor-tutor, whose assignment will depend on the chosen topic.

Note: The contents of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications, depending on the updates or the improvements made.


  • Dr. Juan Luis Martín. Doctor in Psychology, University of the Basque Country, Spain. Accredited by ANECA as an Associate Doctoral Professor. Master's degree in Mental Health from the University of Deusto, Spain. Expert on Family Mediation. From 2001 until 2015, his work in teaching and research have been mainly developed in the field of developmental psychology and education at the University of the Basque Country. Has been the Academic Director of the Master's degree in Mediation and Conflict Resolution for three years now, having taught online in a postgraduate program for the European University of the Atlantic, where he is currently a professor. In this context, has undertaken numerous R&D projects under the auspices of the university and aimed at the psychological development of minors within the family environment. He is the author and co-author of numerous books, chapters and research articles on the field. Has also participated in international conferences on development and education. This professor is related to the subjects: “Mediation Practices: Techniques and Strategies" and "Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Family". Is the Coordinator of internships for the Master and is part of the team of directors for the Program's Final Master's Work.
  • Lic. Sara Moza. Degree in Psychology, University of Granada. Master's Degree in Human Resources from the Center for Legal Studies of Granada, a Master's Degree in Teacher Training from the University of Seville and a Master's Degree in Conflict Resolution and Mediation by the European University of the Atlantic. Has 8 years of professional experience in the field of school guidance practices and human resources. Has 4 years of experience as a University professor in subjects related to human resources management and conflict resolution, as well as, project director for the Master's Degree. This professor is related to the subjects: "Emotions and Conflict", "Communication and Conflict" and “Conflict Resolution/Transformation Processes". She is part of the team of Directors of Master Thesis and the one of the tutors of the internship program.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. David Herrero. Doctor in Psychology by the University of Deusto. Professor accredited by ANECA. Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Has 8 years of research experience in the field of human behavior and interactions. Is the author of several scientific articles and has obtained as certificate of Healthcare Psychologist Trainer issued by the Department of Health from the Basque Government. Has 7 years of experience as a traffic and road safety psychologist. Is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Deusto and author of the class of awareness in accidents based on evidence. This professor is related to the subjects “Conflict Resolution/Transformation Processes” and “Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Techniques”. Is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master's Work.
  • Dr. Marcelo Braz. Doctor in Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport at the University of Barcelona. ANECA accredited as an Assistant Doctoral Professor. Has experience in projects for the education and intervention with children at social risk. Has also worked as a teacher in ordinary schools and in public and private institutions of higher education in Brazil and Spain. In addition, has experience as a professor in distance education on subjects related to learning, interculturality and mediation in the school environment. Has participated in various public research R&D projects in Spain. Is related to the research groups in Brazil and Spain. Has been a speaker of national and international conferences. Has scientific production related to the research projects in which he has participated. This professor is related to the subject "Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Schools". Is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master's Work.
  • Dr. Silvia Aparicio. Doctor in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid with a Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Cantabria. Accredited as a Tenured Doctor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation, (ANECA). Has more than 20 years of teaching experience at the university level, teaching subjects related to Economy, Strategic Management, Financial Management and International Relations. Has directed works from end of degrees and master’s degrees related to business management and administration, economics and finance. Has a total of 10 years in leadership positions. She has also served as an Academic Director in different undergraduate and graduate programs. Main researcher and co-author of several reports on economics, fiscal, financial, marketing, distribution, environmental and new technologies for said companies, institutions and universities for more than 15 years. This professor is related to the teaching of the subject "Resolution/Transformation of Conflicts in the Organization".
  • Dr. Judit García. Doctor in Psychology and Educational Sciences from the University of Leon. Master's degree in Psychology and Educational Sciences and Master's Degree in Primary Education. Degree in Psychopedagogy awarded by the University of León. Accredited as Contracted Doctor by ANECA. Has more than 6 years of experience as a professor in universities, teaching subjects from the bachelor and master's degrees related to learning, personality, psychoeducational counseling and educational guidance. Has more than 8 years of research experience in the area of psychological intervention and learning difficulties. Has vast scientific production in the area of Educational Psychology, with articles published in various countries. Has participated as a speaker in numerous congresses and conferences. This professor is part of the Directors for the Program’s Final Master's Work.
  • Dr. Federico Fernández. Doctor of Journalism and Communication Sciences. Is accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). Earned a Master's degree in Communication and Education. Has more than 10 years of professional experience in media. Has taught subjects related to projects, communication and political participation in various degrees and in-class and distance master’s courses for more than 10 years during his career in public universities His research experience is related with projects related to public opinion, political communication and citizen participation, with more than 10 years in these research topics. This professor is related to the teaching of the subject "Communication and Conflict". He is also part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master’s Work and an internship tutor.
  • Dr. Jesús Arzamendi. Doctor of Philosophy and Literature (Philology section), favorably accredited by ANECA as an Contracted Doctor Professor. Degree in Romance Philology. Over 20 years of experience in research and university teaching, especially in teacher training. Throughout these years, has directed and designed graduate programs for teaching in second and foreign languages; has published didactic works and articles related to the area of teaching foreign languages and has developed projects funded by the European Union (Socrates-Lingua). Has been a professor at the University of the Basque Country and was Director of the Department of Pedagogy of Language from the Institute of Education Sciences of said institution during 5 years. Has 15 years of experience in the teaching and academic management of online teaching programs. This professor is also part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master’s Work and an internship tutor.
  • Dr. Isabel Palomino. Doctor in Telecommunications from the University of Valladolid. ANECA accredited professor as a Contracted Doctor and Professor for a private university. Master's Degree in Labor Advice by the International School of Business CEREM (Madrid). Has more than 15 years of teaching experience in the field of law in public and private universities, teaching subjects and managing end of degree projects. Has experience in the virtual environment as at a distance master’s degree professor, providing subjects related to family law and consumer law. As a researcher, she has been involved in several R&D projects in Spain, with a vast scientific production and participation in congresses and conferences related to the field of Law. This professor is part of the Directors for the Program’s Final Master's Work.
  • Dr. Laura Pérez. Doctor and Master's Degree in Cognitive Science and Language from the University of Barcelona. Degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). Has more than 18 years of experience as a clinical psychologist and researcher on organizational culture. Has worked as head of organizational training, managing team cohesion projects, training and development of human capital. Six years ago, she dedicated herself to the research of topics related to stress and lifestyle, as well as intervention strategies for psychological problems. Has been involved in several academic events in these areas and has published scientific articles in different countries. This professor is related to the teaching of the subjects "Psychological Approaches in Addressing Conflict" and "Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)". Is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master's Work and the tutors for the internships.
  • Dr. Silvia Quer. Doctor in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master’s degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of Barcelona. Master's Degree in Healthcare Psychology from the University of Barcelona. Master's Degree in Neuroscience and Bachelor’s in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Has 8 years of experience as a clinical psychologist, especially in cognitive stimulation and psychological treatments. As a professor, has 2 years of experience in classroom and distance learning programs, teaching subjects related to Healthcare Psychology, Bioethics and Gerontology. Has experience as Director of the Master’s thesis and preparation and revision of educational materials aimed at virtual learning. This professor is related to the subject "Emotions and Conflict".
  • Dr. Luis Fernández. Doctor in Law from the University of Navarra and Doctor in History, Written Culture and Thought by the University of La Rioja. Has more and 30 years of experience as a legal adviser in the Ministry of Defense of Spain and in other countries such as Italy, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Albania. Has more than 20 years of teaching experience on subjects related to Law in different degrees. Has directed more than 27 end of degree works. Based on his research experience, he has published three books related to codes and case law on the Civil Guard. This professor is related to the subjects: “National and International Legislation on Mediation and other Conflict Resolution Processes”, “Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Corrections” and “International Conflict Resolution/Transformation”.
  • Dr. Óscar Ulloa. Doctor of Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Master's Degree in Community Development by the Central University Marta Abreu de Las Villas, Cuba. A specialist in Training Social Workers and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Has 15 years of experience as a professor in Higher Education, collaborating in the undergraduate and graduate programs of several universities in subjects related to education and health psychology. Has participated in research projects in the field of education, mainly in such topics as educational inclusion, sexual education, school life, community development and gender. The results of his research work have been published in academic journals in Spain, Cuba, Brazil, England and the United States. This professor is related to the subjects: “Resolution/Transformation of Conflict in the Community” and “Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Health Field”.
  • Dr. Deysi García. Doctor in Psychology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Havana (Cuba). Has more than 20 years of experience as a Psychologist, especially in the area of Human Resources. Has extensive training in this area as a student and as a professor. Has 10 years of teaching experience at the university level, as head of the Psychology course for four years and as a professor for the subjects of Dynamic Behavior Analysis; Research Methodology II; Cognition and Behavior II; General Psychology; History of Psychology; Educational Psychology I; Introduction to Clinical Psychology; Staff and Case study; topics on scientific discussions. Has two years of experience in the virtual environment acting as a professor and director of the master’s thesis. Has more than 20 years of research experience, participating in projects in Cuba and Brazil. Of these projects, her scientific publications and conferences are of highlight. This professor is part of the team of directors of from the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Alina Celi. Doctor in Environmental Law from the University of Alicante, Master in Economic Administrative Law, a postgraduate degree in Environmental Law and graduated in Law and Social Sciences Faculty of Law - UDeLaR (Uruguay). Has more than 10 of experience as a lawyer and coordinator of projects related to environmental protection. As a professor, has been working online for 11 years teaching subjects related to environmental, administrative and commercial law, and end of degree and master’s degree works related to the Sociology of Law. Has numerous scientific publications from research projects in which she has participated as coordinator and/or researcher. Has been involved in several academic events in Uruguay, Spain and Brazil. This professor is part of the team of directors of from the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Lilia Stevens. Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences from the University of Oriente (Cuba). Degree in General Psychology from the same university. Has 22 years of experience working as a clinical psychologist and manager of university processes in Cuba and Angola. As a professor, has more than 20 years of experience as a professor in degrees and masters, on subjects related to Psychology and Education. Has directed numerous end of degree and master’s works. In the virtual environment, has more than five years experience in online programs. As a researcher, has participated in projects related to the sexual identity and psychological characteristics of preschool children for 19 years. This professor is related to teaching the subject “Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Schools”.
  • Dr. (c) Alba Hernández. Doctorate in Education from the International Iberoamerican University (Mexico). Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Social Psychology from the University of Havana (Cuba). Has 13 years of experience as a researcher in the Center for Psychological and Sociological Research of Cuba, participating in numerous research projects within this field of knowledge. Her works have been published in various countries, such as Cuba, Puerto Rico and Spain. Has 6 years of teaching experience in the area of Psychology, in classroom degrees, as well as in the virtual sphere for Master programs. She has also directed end of degree and master works. This professor is related to the subject "Psychological Approaches to Conflict Analysis".
  • Lic. Eugenia Luna. Bachelor’s in Psychology. Master's Degree in Human Resources from the University of León and Doctorate in Education (in progress). Has 17 years of experience teaching in universities in the areas of Human Resources and Education, specifically with subjects related to Psychological elements in decision-making, thinking skills and conflict resolution. Has directed end of degree and master’s works. Has 4 years of research experience in the education research line. Is a business coach and responsible for the human resources department as of 1991. Has been a speaker in several conferences related to occupational psychology. This professor is related to the teaching of the course "Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Techniques".
  • Dr. Eduardo Silva. Doctor in Projects, online legal research by the International Iberoamerican University. Master's in Leadership and Management of International Businesses from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Has more than 15 years of professional experience as a legal assistant and attorney. As a professor, has 8 years of experience in subjects related to legal issues in degree programs and master's programs at a distance. Has been involved in research projects related to the topics of conciliation and immigration laws of Guatemala over the past 11 years. This professor is related to the subject "Mediation Practice: Techniques and Strategies."
  • Lic. Sonia Pérez. Degree in Psychology with a Diploma in University Teaching. Master in Music Therapy from the National University of Colombia. Has 9 years of experieDoctoral Student in Projects, online legal research by the International Iberoamerican University. Master's in Leadership and Management of International Businesses from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Has more than 15 years of professional experience as a legal assistant and attorney. As a professor, has 8 years of experience in subjects related to legal issues in degree programs and master's programs at a distance. Has been involved in research projects related to the topics of conciliation and immigration laws of Guatemala over the past 11 years. This professor is related to the subject "Mediation Practice: Techniques and Strategies."
    Lic. Sonia Pérez. Degree in Psychology with a Diploma in University Teaching. Master in Music Therapy from the National University of Colombia. Has 9 years of experience as a psychologist, particularly associated with conduct rehabilitation in youths and adults. As a professor, has taught various courses and artistic and psychotherapeutic workshops. Has 7 years of experience as a university teacher, teaching subjects related to Music Therapy, development of school environments for coexistence, methodology of scientific research and Ethics. Has directed end of degree projects related to these issues. In the virtual environment, has two years of experience in distance masters courses. This professor is related to the subject: "Conflict Resolution/Transformation in the Family" and is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Edgar Estuardo Pérez. Doctorate in Law, Economics and Business from the International Iberoamerican University. Master's degree in Project Formulation and Appraisal from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. Has more than 20 years of experience in Project Design and Management in public and private companies in Guatemala. As a university professor, has exercised teaching in distance and classroom degrees and masters for 5 years, teaching in subjects related to law and co-operative relations. This professor is related to the subject “Conflict Resolution/Transformation in Corrections”.
    Lic. Vanessa Yélamos. Degree in Psychology, University of Barcelona. Master's in Systemic Coaching (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and a Master's in Integral Coaching (Higher Institute of Coaching in Barcelona). Currently under the accreditation process by both the Spanish Association of Coaching (ASESCO) as well as by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Her line of research focuses on maintaining and improving the well-being of workers according to their job and working conditions, as well as aligning their objectives and personal priorities with those of the Organization to convert said professionals into essential and invaluable assets for the organization. During the past 3 years has been dedicated to the teaching in online learning environments in subjects related to the program, combining it with her professional activity as a personal coach, which she has more than 5 years of experience of. This professor is linked to the subject "Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)".
  • Ms. Ángel Sanz. Master's in Drug Addiction Studies from the University of Barcelona. Master's in Event Organization from the Esneca Business School. Bachelor's in Psychology from the University of Barcelona. Has 9 years of experience as a psychologist, working through a cognitive-behavioral approach in all kinds of psychopathologies, particularly those related to drug addiction. Has 4 years of experience working in a Therapeutic Community for drug addicts, and training in physical and psychological first aid. As a university professor, has taught several subjects in degree and master programs in the field of psychology and has directed several Final Master Works. Has one year of experience in distance Master courses modality. This professor is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Yoanky Cordero. Doctor in Literature by the Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"(UNESP), Brazil. Specialist in Training Social Workers. Degree in Education in the specialty Teaching Spanish language and literature. Has 15 years of experience as a professor in Higher Education, collaborating in undergraduate and graduate programs at several universities and countries, especially in the field of Education and Psychology. Has participated in research projects in the field of education and literature, mainly in the areas of Spanish language education, comparative literature, Latin American literature and discourse analysis. The results of the research work have been published in academic journals mainly in Cuba and Brazil. A member of the Group Studies in Poetry and Culture (GEPOC/CNPq-UFSCar) and SLAS (Society for Latin American Studies). This professor is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Nivia Núñez. Doctor, Master and Bachelor in Theology by the Faculdade EST (Brazil). Higher level professor since 2004, teaching courses on Interculturality, Ethics, Human Rights, Violence, Philosophy, Public Policy, Gender, Diversity and Values. Has a number of related courses particularly in the area of Justice, Gender and Violence and alternative projects to violence. As a researcher of 18 years, has participated in Core Gender Inquiry research groups in Brazil, the Public Theology Research Group in Latin America and the REGEVI, Religion, Gender, Violence and Human Rights Inquiry Group from the Faculty of Vitoria (Brazil). Of the research she has participated in, she has numerous scientific productions and presentations at congresses and academic events. This professor is part of the team of directors of the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Lic. Andrea Gutiérrez. Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master's in Human Resources and Knowledge Management from the University of León. Has worked for more than 10 years as a Psychologist in the area of human resources in several companies. Has also worked for 8 years as a school Psychologist. Has 11 years of experience of university teaching, acting as a virtual tutor and lecturer in the area of business, especially in subjects related to Human Resources. Has also directed Final Master’s Work. Has extensive training in the area of clinical and organizational psychology. Has given several conferences in Colombia and Peru about his area of expertise. This professor is part of the team of directors of the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Claudio Rebordão. Doctor of Sociological Sciences from the University of Havana. Degree in Education by the Pedagogical Institute "José de la Luz y Caballero.” As a professor, has more than 20 years of experience at the university level in areas of Education, Sociology, Social Work and Community Intervention and Psychology at universities in Cuba and Brazil. Has directed end of degree works and participated as an evaluator in several master and doctoral degree boards. Has more than 15 years of professional experience in consulting projects on social intervention and and university science consultations. As a researcher, has 17 years of experience in cooperation and social and economic development projects in different communities. Is currently a reviewer of the Social Science Journal. This professor is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Elsie Alejandrina Pérez Serrano. Doctorate in Pedagogy from the Higher Pedagogical Institute José de la Luz y Caballero (Cuba). Master's in Special Education and a Bachelor's in Speech Therapy, Higher Pedagogical Institute "Enrique José Varona". Has 15 years of experience as a researcher associated in the field of language disturbances, the integration of school children and adolescents and gender studies. Of these projects, has over twenty scientific publications and several participations as a speaker at congresses and conferences in various countries. As a professor, has 14 years of experience as a university lecturer in Pedagogy bachelor programs in various subjects, as a director of final master’s work and as coordinator of research projects in the line "Inclusion of people with disabilities in higher education". This professor is part of the team of directors of the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Juliana Azevedo Gomes. Doctorate in Education and Society by the University of Barcelona. Master’s Degree in Didactics, Teacher Training and Educational Evaluation by the University of Barcelona, Spain. Specialization in Psychopedagogy by the Universidade Luterana do Brasil. Her professional career is related to the teaching and research in the field of Applied Didactics in different educational environments. Has three years of teaching experience at the university level, teaching subjects and directing master thesis in the areas of Education and Psychology. Is one of the founders of the European Elo of Portuguese as an Inheritance Language, a non-profit association that trains teachers to work in bi and multicultural contexts. As a researcher, is concerned with lines related to the languages and cultures in contact, immigration and interculturality. Author and co-author of scientific publications in Brazil, United States and Spain. Speaker at conferences and seminars in the United States, London, Germany, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and Spain. This professor is part of the team of directors of the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Lic. Arlette Zárate. Degree in Educational Psychology from the Autonomous University of Campeche. Master's in Administration of Educational Institutions with emphasis on Basic Education by the Monterrey Technological Institute of Higher Studies and a Master's in the Psychology of Organizations from the Institute of University Studies (Mexico). Has more than 20 years of professional experience as a psychologist in various educational centers and in the coordination for the protection of children and adolescents and the promotion of school coexistence (COEXISTS-SEDUC). As a university professor, has taught Psychology at the bachelor's level in classrooms and as a distance postgraduate tutor for the subjects Emotional Intelligence and Stress and Burnout. Has directed various Final Master’s Works. This professor is part of the team of directors of the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Alexsander Cordoves. Doctor in Social Anthropology by the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2017. Master in Educational Psychology from the University of Havana, Cuba. Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Has more than 15 years of experience as a university professor teaching in the classroom and at a distance in Psychology and Education subjects. During said period, coordinated projects and research groups, covering areas such as: learning, training professionals, project of life, lifestyle, paths of life, personality, education and gender, among others. Has directed end of degree and postgraduate works. In recent years has acted as a collaborating researcher at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, working on issues such as multiculturalism and education, affirmative action and ethnic diversity. This professor is part of the team of directors for the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Dr. Andresa Sartor. Doctor in Education from the International Iberoamerican University (Mexico). Master’s Degree in Education by the University of Barcelona. Bachelor’s in Pedagogy. Has four years of experience as a university professor, teaching subjects related with the psychology of education in master's degree programs taught at universities in Spain and Latin America. Has directed final master’s works and is coordinator of a doctoral program in Education. As a researcher, has been involved in projects related to learning strategies in different educational environments with the use of a portfolio as a training tool. Has participated as rapporteur of congresses and conferences in this area. This professor is part of the team of directors of the Program’s Final Master’s Work.
  • Msc. Ana Mattioli. Master of Anthropology, University of Tallinn (in progress). Master's degree in Conflict Resolution and Mediation from the European University of the Atlantic. Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Barcelona. Interculturality course from the Barcelona City Council. Professional experience in the field of teaching, research, mediation, and social integration. Designed, coordinated, and participated in several socio-cultural and educational projects. Complementary training in virtual environments.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.