ISO 14001

Program Presentation

In the 1970s, companies began to consider environmental factors as an integral part of the production processes. Previous to this time, the damage caused to the environment was ignored or considered to be an interference, an obstacle in the production process.

In this context, future environmental management includes environmental costs as part of production, resulting from increasingly stringent regulatory measures on the one hand, as well as an interest in the environment as a business opportunity, i.e., as a marketing tool to differentiate themselves from the competition.

From a practical approach, the ISO 14001 program provides guidelines to effectively implement an Environmental Management System in companies according to the ISO 14001, and also to optimize resources, thereby saving money while achieving sustainable activity.

Who is the programme for?

The ISO 14001 program is designed specifically to satisfy two different groups:

  • People without a university degree may want quality training in this field for personal gain or experience.
  • Students with a Bachelor’s degree who, in addition to their current education, would like to have a practical specialization in the ISO 14001 norm to expand their job opportunities.


Successful completion of the Program will enable you to be awarded the degree in Experto Universitario en IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA NORMA ISO 14001.

After successfully completing the Program, the student will receive the degree as awarded by the University where they have enrolled.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the ISO 14001 program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

Subject 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


La ISO 14001 tiene 10 créditos. La duración de la ISO 14001 es de Varies depending on the student's dedication. During this period, the student must have successfully completed all evaluated activities and passed the Final Project.


General objectives

  • To lay the groundwork for the implementation of an EMS in any type of business.

Specific objectives

  • To become familiar with the steps to follow in the implementation of an Environmental Management System in business (EMS) from the moment the management makes a public commitment until the auditing and certification phases are completed.
  • To apply the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to introduce and obtain the maximum performance of the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) as well as those that are determined by the ISO 14000 norms.
  • To learn to write customized templates for the development of procedures referring to specific environmental issues, internal and external communication and emergency plans for any type of business.
  • To learn how to carry out an initial environmental assessment of a business, identifying the nature, extent and significance of its impact on the environment.
  • To write an environmental management manual.
  • To learn to be aware of the commitment to “continuous improvement” that businesses assume when introducing an (EMS).

Career Opportunities

Some of the career opportunities of ISO 14001 are:

  • Responsible for the Environmental Committee of the company for the implementation of the EMS ISO 14001.
  • Environmental consultant in subjects referring to the ISO 14001.
  • Teachers.

Study Plan

The ISO 14001 program is comprised of one topic, including practical case studies related to this field.

The course allows students to gain knowledge and comprehension of, first, the theoretical, conceptual and historical principles involved in the environmental management of business and, second, their organizational, social and technological implementation.

The objective is to ensure that students acquire a global view of business from a sustainable point of view through related multidisciplinary topics.

The chapters that comprise the course are shown in the following table:

ISO 14001
1 Business and the environment
2 Environmental Management Systems in Business
3 The ISO 14001 norm
4 Documentation of the ISO 14001 EMS
5 Environmental Auditing
6 Auditing Manual
7 Case study: Didactic study of an Implementation
8 Case study: Implementation of the ISO 14001 in SMBs
9 Case study: Implementation of the ISO 14001 in a sugar factory
10 Case study: Implementation of the ISO 14001 in a service workshop


  • Dr. Eduardo Garcia Villena. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communications from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Academic Director for the Environment Area at the Ibero-american University Foundation
  • Dr. José Ulises Rodríguez Barboza. Doctor in Project Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. Professor at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. Professor at the Ibero-american International University, FUNIBER.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. José María Redondo Vega. Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Leon.
  • Dr. Cristina Hidalgo González. Doctor in Quality Control. Business Administration from the University of Leon. Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Leon.
  • Dr. Víctor Jiménez. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communications from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Professor at the Ibero-american International University.
  • Dr. Izel Marez. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communications from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Professor at the Ibero-american International University.
  • Dr. José Ulises Rodríguez Barboza. Doctor in Project Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. Professor at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. FUNIBER professor.
  • Dr. Olga Capó Iturrieta. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Quality and Prevention. Civil Industrial Engineer Head of Projects at the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR), Chile.
  • Dra (c). Lina Pulgarín Osorio. Doctorate in Projects from the Iberaoamerican International University (in process). Master in Integrated Management: Prevention, Environment and Quality from the Polytechnic University in Catalonia. Program Coordinator and FUNIBER professor.
  • Dra (c). Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco. Doctorate in Education from the Ibero-american International University (in process). Master in Occupational and Organizational Psychology from the University of Havana, Cuba. Academic Coordinator of the International Management Development Area, Business Organization and Human Resources and FUNIBER professor.
  • Dr (c). Diego J. Kurtz. Doctorate in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the PPGEGC – UFSC (in process). Master in International Business – Weisbaden Business School, Germany. Researcher in the Core Management for Sustainability ( and Junior Researcher of the Dynamic SME Project ( Program Coordinator and FUNIBER professor.
  • Ms. María Eugenia Luna Borgaro. Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management from the University of Leon, Spain. Expert on Human Resource Management and Management Skills. FUNIBER professor.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.