Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

Program Presentation

The health system is currently based more on curing than on , overshadowing prevention. However, it should be noted that in economic terms, proper prevention programs help us to reduce current spending on Health, that is now targeted mostly towards palliative or curative treatments.

That is whyTherefore, with the help of nutrition, it is possible to reduce costs and prevent the prevalence of diseases and while at the same time improvinge the quality of life.

Who is the programme for?

The proposed methodology underlies a clear and ample curricular design, so that the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics may target healthcare professionals, the healthcare industry or companies that want to specialize in healthcare.

The Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics program is designed for:

  • University degree holders and those with no university degree, that wish to acquire basic knowledge in the areas of nutrition, dietetics and diet therapy.
  • Healthcare professionals, the healthcare industry or private companies that want to strengthen their knowledge of healthcare to practice it in their workplace.

The Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics program would be an ideal addition to enrich any undergraduate or graduate training for anyone interested in specializing in health and nutrition issues.


Successful completion of the Program will enable you to be awarded the degree in Experto Universitario en ALIMENTACIÓN Y DIETÉTICA CLÍNICA.

After successfully completing the Program, the student will receive the degree as awarded by the University where they have enrolled.

Program Structure

The estimated duration for the completion of the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics program is 200 hours (20 credits)

Regarding the time distribution it’s established that:

  • Being an Online Program and not being subjected to traditional class attendance, there is no established initial date so that the student can enroll at any time subject to available spaces.
  • The maximum duration would be 6 months.

The credit structure for the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics program is summarized in the following table:

Subject 15

a. The equivalent in credits may vary according to the accrediting university 
b. Length in months


General objective:

  • To become capable of developing a nutritional counseling program adapted to individual needs.

Specific objectives:

  • To acquire a global view of nutrition and food
  • To become familiar with the nutritional characteristics of foods
  • To become capable of developing a nutritional counseling program adapted to individual nutritional requirements.
  • To learn to use the necessary tools to transmit adequate information about correct eating habits.
  • To possess the necessary abilities to carry out nutritional advice in illness.

Career Opportunities

Some of the career opportunities of the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics program are:

  • Doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists, naturopaths, and other healthcare professionals that practice their profession as an addition to their training and help in the completion of their daily work.
  • Nutritional advisor in formal and non-formal teaching programs, healthcare personnel, restoration services personnel…, consumer information center, associations for the chronically ill, colleges, civic centers, sports centers, etc.
  • Technical advisor in search programs, and information and promotion of products to ensure the link between marketing, technology and investigation, and development.
  • Business in shops specialized in dietetic products.
  • Business in food or pharmaceutical companies with a line of products with specific nutritional characteristics.

Note: Professional practice is subject to each country’s legislations.

Study Plan

The Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics program has a curricular structure based on two parts that place the student in a real framework according of continuous change.


The first part, composed of one subject, allows students to become familiar with and to comprehend the complexities of clinical nutrition and dietetics.

The objective is to offer a broad perspective of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics in order to have a view of the multidisciplinary aspects of nutritional assistance, as well as of its implications for health.


The last phase of the program is the fulfillment of the Final Paper or Project, to begin after finishing Part 1: Subject, at which time students will have all the necessary knowledge to begin the assignment.

The objective is to present a document that shows the total development of the proposed assignment and its possible implementation, according to the guidelines and details of the Final Course Project as presented.


Academic Administration

  • Dr. Maurizio Antonio Battino.  Biochemist researcher and professor at the School of Specialization in Food Science. Professor at the Polytechnic University of Marche. Scientific Director in the European University of the Atlantic.

General Academic Coordination

  • Dr. Irma Domínguez Azpíroz. International Coordinator.
  • Dr. (c) Anna Marín. Nutrition Area Coordinator.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Adolfo Chávez. President of the Latin American Association of Nutrition. Head of the Department of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Education of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition (NIMSandN) Salvador Zubirán (Mexico).
  • Dr. Javier Gonzalez Gallego. Professor of Physiology at the University of León. Director of the Institute of Biomedicine at the University of León.
  • Dr. Emilio Martinez of Vitoria. Director of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology at the University of Granada. Professor of Physiology and Professor of the School of Nutrition at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Enrique Roche Collado. Professor in the Area of Nutrition and Food Science from the Miguel Hernández University. Deputy Director of the Institute of Bioengineering from the Miguel Hernández University.
  • Dr. Rafael Tojo Sierra. Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
  • Dr. Jordi Salas Salvadó. Professor of Nutrition and Food Science at the Rovira i Virgili University (Reus - Tarragona)
  • Dr. Guillermo Rodriguez Navarrete. Doctor of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Professor at the Ibero-American International University.
  • Dr. Rosa Solà Alberich. Professor of Medicine at the University Rovira i Virgili. Vice-Chancellor for Research and Relations with Health Institutions in the University Rovira i Virgili.
  • Dr. Magdalena Lopez Frías. Professor of Physiology University of Granada. Researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology "Jose Mataix Verdú ".
  • Dr. Elena Garcia Garcia. Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Granada. A Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology at the University of Murcia. Professor in the Area of Nutrition and Food Science from the Miguel Hernández University.
  • Dr. Margarita Sanchez Campos. Professor of Physiology and director of the School of Nutrition at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Ascensión Marcos Sanchez. Research Professor of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (HCSR). Director of the Immunonutrition Group from the Department of Metabolism and Nutrition of the Frío Institute of the HCSR.
  • Dr. Maurizio Antonio Battino.  Biochemist researcher and professor at the School of Specialization in Food Science. Professor at the Polytechnic University of Marche. Scientific Director in the European University of the Atlantic.
  • Dr. Jose Mataix Verdu (EPD). Professor of Physiology at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Alfredo Entrala Bueno. Faculty Dean of Health Sciences. Director of the Department of Pathophysiology of Alfonso X El Sabio University.
  • Dr. Alfredo Martínez Hernández. Director of the Institute of Food Science at the University of Navarra.
  • Dr. Antonio M. Gálvez de Postigo Ruiz. Professor of Microbiology at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Antonio Marco Chóver. Vice-president of the European Council for Medical Plurality (ECMP). Member of the Head Team of the International Society of Proteomic Studies (Brussels).
  • Dr. Iciar Astiasaran Anchia. Director of the Institute of Food Science and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra.
  • Dr. Carlos Iglesias Rosado. Head of the Department of Nutrition at the Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio.
  • Dr. Virginia Motilva. Researcher and Professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville.
  • Dr. Elena Talero Barrientos. Researcher and Professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville.
  • Dr. Antonio Ayala Gómez. Lecturer and Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Seville.
  • Dr. Mercedes Cano Garcia. Professor in the Department of Physiology at the University of Seville.
  • Dr. M. Carmen Garcia Grill. Lecturer and Professor in the Department of Food Science at the University of Seville.
  • Dr. María Ángeles Fernández Arche. Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Seville.
  • Dr. Jose Miguel Alvarez Suarez. Doctor in Food and Health. Professor of Toxicology, Pharmacology and Food Science of the Department of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Dr. Fermín Sanchez Medina Contreras. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Fernando Gil González. Professor of Toxicology. Professor of the School of Nutrition at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Francisco J. Perez Cano. Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Barcelona. Lecturer at the University of Barcelona.
  • Dr. Gonzalo Morandé Lavin. Head of the Psychiatry and Psychology Service Unit at the Children's University Hospital Niño Jesús.
  • Dr. Jose Jesus Ruiz Joyanes. Medical Doctor and Surgeon. Master's degree in Biological Medicine, Anti-Aging Medicine and Aesthetic Medicine.
  • Dr. Jose Maldonado Lozano. Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Llopis Juan Gonzalez. Professor of Physiology. Researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology "Jose Mataix Verdú".
  • Dr. Juan Manuel Morillo. Doctor of Dentistry by the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor at the Department of Basic Sciences at the School of Nursing and Physical Therapy San Juan de Dios of the Pontificia Comillas University of Madrid.
  • Dr. Luis Garcia Torres. Professor of Physiology at the University of Granada. Professor of the University Institute of Neurosciences Research "Federico Oloriz".
  • Dr. Manuel Ramirez Sánchez. Professor of Physiology at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Marcos Mazzuka Petitta. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the La Sapienza University. Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Medicine at the University of the East.
  • Dr. Nabil Benomar Elbakali. Professor of Microbiology at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Narcis Gusi. Doctor in Physiological Adaptations for Exercise by the University of Barcelona. Professor of Didactics of Plastic Musical Expression and Body from the University of Extremadura.
  • Dr. Pedro Bullón. President of the Conference of Dean Faculties of Dentistry in Spain. Professor of the Dentistry Faculty. University of Seville.
  • Dr. Santiago de la Rosa Iglesias. Chairman of the Committee on Herbal Medicine of the illustrious College of Physicians of Madrid (ICOMEM).
  • Dr. Assumpció Roset Elias. Doctorate in Pharmacy. Coordinator of the Health Education Program for the School of Education Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Dr. Elena Ortega Morente. Professor of Microbiology at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Esther Fuentes Marhuenda. A tenured faculty member in the area of Nutrition and Food Science of the University Miguel Hernández.
  • Dr. Hikmate Abriouel Hayani. Doctorate in Sciences. Contracted Research Staff (Ramón y Cajal program) at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Isabel Prieto Gómez. Professor of Physiology at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Magdalena Martínez Cañamero. Professor of Microbiology at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Margarida Castell Escuer. Professor of Physiology, University of Barcelona.
  • Dr. Margarita Sanchez Campos. Professor of Physiology. Deputy Director of the School of Nutrition at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Mercedes Barrionuevo Diaz. Professor of Physiology. Professor of the School of Nutrition at the University of Granada.
  • Dr. Miriam Muñoz de Chávez (EPD). Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Education Department of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition (NIMSandN) Salvador Zubiran.
  • Dr. Pilar Sanchez Collado. Doctorate in Pharmacy. Professor at the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of León.
  • Dr. Rosario Lucas López. Professor of Microbiology at the University of Jaen.
  • Dr. Rosaura Leis Trabazo. Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
  • Dr. Rosella Mazzuka de Marta. Teaching of the Universidad Santa María (Venezuela). Member of the CMAA, SITEC of Italy, SOVENIA and DAW of Venezuela, LINCA of Mexico and AVA of Barcelona.
  • Esther de la Paz. Secretary of the Commission of Consultant Herbalists of ICOMEM.
  • Dr. Jesus Antonio Meléndez Martinez. Researcher and Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, toxicology and Forensic Medicine at the University of Seville.
  • Dr. Belén Gordillo Arrobas. Researcher and Professor of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine at the University of Seville.
  • Dr. María Jesús Cejudo Bastante. Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine at the University of Seville.
  • Dr. Luisa Escudero Gilete. Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine at the University of Seville.
  • Dr. (c) Jose Alberto Frade-Martins Parraça. Doctoral Candidate associated with the Department of Physiology at the University of Extremadura.
  • Dr. (c) Marilyn Montejo Berrios. Doctoral Candidate in Education. Professor at the South Scientific University. Collaborator of the Technical of the Dietary Course in the South Scientific University.
  • Dr. (c) Irma Dominguez Azpiroz. Doctoral Candidate in Education. International Master in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of León. Master's Degree in Physical Activity: Training and Sports Management by UNINI. Certified in Nutrition and Dietetics by the Univ. of Navarre.
  • Dr. (c) Sandra Sumalla Cano. Doctoral Candidate in Projects. International Master in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics from the University Rovira i Virgili. Master's Degree in Physical Activity: Training and Sports Management by UNINI. A Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Barcelona. Certified in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Barcelona-CESNID.
  • Dr. (c) Anna Marin Bachs. Doctoral Candidate in Education. International Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of León. Certified in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Barcelona-CESNID.
  • Dr. (c) Iñaki Elio Pascual. Doctorate Candidate in Projects. Master's degree in Nutrition and Metabolism. University of Barcelona. Dietitian-Nutritionist from the Dietetics and Nutrition Clinic Unit of the Bellvitge University Hospital.
  • Dr. (c) Sandra Jarrin Motte. Doctoral Candidate in education by UNINI. Master in Biologico-Naturistas studies by the University of León. Bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the South Scientific University.
  • Dr. (c) Lili Zavala Ciudad. Doctoral Candidate. Master in Technology and Food Control. Bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the South Scientific University.
  • Dr. (c) Joan Trabal. Master's degree in Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Barcelona. Dietitian-Nutritionist from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.
  • Dr. (c) Ricardo Jorge Guedes de Almeida. Doctoral student in education. Bachelor's Degree in Nursing.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.